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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my night out.
August 03, 2002 - 2:27 pm

so last night...

ok sing it with me, 'last night, she said, oh baby..'

sorry. had to do it.

last night was long. very long. i got home at 5am. i entered three bars a total of six times. one bar three times, another bar twice and the last bar once.

a summary of events...the one bar has drink called 'whop me down sweet jesus'. tis a very potent mix of alcohols. tasty i'm told, i didn't have one, but potent. the true effects of the drink are often not known until many hours later. the aftermath of drinking one (possible more) of this drink in connection with other drinks (both beer and hard licquor) seems to induce people to vomit. often reapeatedly.

i started out as one of a group five, two couples and myself. soon the couples headed home and i was alone for a bit, saddly thinking why do i even bother to try and go out? i got a call from the person the five of us had been supposed to meet. she claimed they were delayed. it was now midnight and they were just heading out. so i met up with them. i was now part of a group of five again, four girls and myself. three of the girls i'd never me before.

anyway, the big night, i dunno if i said this before or not, was about an old college friend who is getting married. so all these people were in town. up to now, midnight, i hadn't yet seen the groom...he was supposed to be with my friend, but i guess when she got delayed he went out with his other friends.

the five of us travel to another bar and get lucky, well not that lucky...there's only four bars in town. the goom is here. he has with him four friends, so now i'm part of a group of ten.

the bars close. i can't recall the last time i closed a bar. i'm not that drunk since i know i'm going to be driving home at some point.

we start walking around town looking for one of the groom's friends who got lost. we find him on the college campus. don't ask me why we walked that way or why he as there. i've no idea, but we found him. we retired to my friends apartment. it's now about 3am.

the puking starts.

not me, i'm done drinking by now.

some drinking games start, it's funny to watch 'flip cup'. i don't think we played it when i was in school. it was even funnier to hear them argue about the rules to beer pong. do you have to bounce the ball or toss it right in?

the time in the aparment was kind of odd. one of the groom's friends, it turns out, has a prince albert peircing. don't know what that is? you probably don't want to, but do a google search if you're really curious!

he showed us.

a dildo was brought out.

a book about advice on blowjobs was passed around.

no actual sex or nakedness took place.

oh wait, the groom was flashed by two of the girls. that was funny.

no prospective girlfriends found. though it appears that since i've made myself known in town that i might be getting more calls.

i think i said before, long ago, i'm now living in the saw town that i went to college in. in college i was (guess i still am actaully) a member of a co-ed fraturnity. it's not as kinky as it sounds, i wish it had been. so i'm an alumni. current members now know i exist...which means i'll be invited to lots of things i wouldn't normally go to.

the down side is i'm old and they arn't.

well, that's not such a downside i suppose. but still.

at about 4:45 i left, well we all left. i had to walk past burger king to get to my car. i was hungry. i pondered sitting outside until they open. i think they open at 6am. an hour or so wait isn't that long. i was tired though. i went home.

i really am a boring person.

(this way) / (that way)

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