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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

2000-12-10 - 17:01:36

This diary thing has started off a whole chain reaction of events it seems. The most note of which has been the creation of my own web page, address will be at the bottem of this entry. I know nothing of HTML and web pages, but I noticed that on the template I have for my diary that the buttons for 'newest entry,' 'older entries', ect didn't quite match up. I liked the color, but the buttons not working right really bothered me so I figured out how to fix that. Then I started trying to see what else I could figure out how to change. There's now several things on my page that I've modified. Though at one point, on the advice of a 'friend', I put in something like 'marquee scroll right'. This I thought was just going to make some texted I had added below the guest book scroll, but it turns out that made my entire page scroll. I thought that was great, but it made reading a bit to hard so I removed it.

What else is new? I went to my company 'Holiday' party. Yes, it's not an 'Christmass' party, we are politically correct. The whole PC thing really does annoy me. Alot of things seem to come from a small minority that really cares and thier views are forced onto me. The name of the party I don't really care about and I'm not talking about that. It's true if you stop and think about it. The views of those, almost reguardless of how small the group is, who make the loudest noise are imposed on the majority who don't really care. Hrm..this could start to go pretty deep and I'm in no shape to go along on that ride.

I've only been awake for uhh...27 minutes and my minds still a bit off from after the party last night. A few of us went to a club, which is a rarity for me. A simple rum and coke was six bucks, what's the deal with that? A bottle of rum costs, lets say, $25.00. A rum and coke has one ounce of rum and a bottle holds 750ml. Now as soon as I recall the conversion, I'll be able to say how much an ounce it should be, even with profit put in for the bar it's no where near six bucks. What about the cost of the coke? Well coke costs down around .01 cents an ounce. Doesn't it make you happy to know that? So next time take advantage of those free refills.

Anyway, like I was saying, we went to this club. The ground floor was a typical bar kinda place. A few tables, a nice looking bar, alittle area for dancing, the bar crew were all dressed nice (ie, tight tight close on the females and I really didn't notice what the males were wearing). Downstairs was a whole different place. It was almost all dance floor and loud, loud blaring music. To talk you had to yell, which is why my throat hurts today. The place had no decorations or desgins on the walls, just plain black. No money or effort was spent on the basement, it was as dingy and boring as you can imagine, well did they had a good set up of flashing lights. I was suprised to see how much of a meat market the place was.

Every girl had on tight ass pants and shirts. Most had no bra, those that did were very well endowed (I'm going to try and controll my self and not go off on the stupidity of breast implants). Those bandnana shirts seem to be all the rage, even though its like 28 degrees out. Every girl there was trying to look as hot and as sexy as possible, which I think is great. Talk about endless eye candy parading around in front of me as I sip my drink that shoulda come in a golden chalice. Every guy in the place had this look in thier eye like wolf eyeing a herd of deer, trying to find the weakest memeber to feast on.

What I don't get is that I bet the vast majority of those girls would consider themselves supports of the 'Woman's Right Movement'. That they should be treated as equals to men and everything that goes with that movement. That they should not be judged on how they look, and yet there they are, parading around in the skimpiest and tightest cloths they can afford (and I'd also bet that the tighter and skimpier the outfit the more it cost). How can you want to be treated with respect and as a person when you are doing your damnedest to show off your body?

Now, before you go off on me let's recall who they are parading around in front of, the guys. The guys are there with a few thoughts in thier head, drink some alcohol (a sure fire way to garuntee good behavior on thier part), mebbe dance alittle, look at the girls, and, if lucky, hook up. I don't know how many of those thoughts the girls also have, mebbe they are looking to just hook up to. So you have drunk guys and already half nekkid women. Well, I think I've taken this as far as I have to. I'm not sure I have a point, but if I do, I'm sure you see it.

I'm the quiet guy who doesn't dance. I sit or stand talking to who I'm with, well as best we can talk. Usually watching the dance floor or the people moving back and forth to the bar. Watching people is ever interesting thing to do. I'm often trying to decide who just met and who came in with who. Unless you really really load me up with alcohol you won't ge me near going out on the floor. If you happen to be unlucky enough to get me out there, you better be prepared to calm people down and tell them I'm not having a seizure. What I'd really like is one of these liberated women to come up and talk to me. I've always said I would marry the girl who asked me to.

Well, I'm going to end this sad, sad excuse of an entry now and see if I can find some food. Anybody looking for a job as a maid/cleaner? I use the term 'job' loosely since I doubt there will be much in the way of pay. If interested, sign my book.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars