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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

bemused smiles in a parking lot
May 19, 2006 - 6:28 pm

just learned something from fark.. oral sex on a woman is sodomy. it follows logically, i just never thought about it.


my week has been.. pretty fucking bad. i decided to cap off my hell week with grocery shopping.

as you may, or may not know.. i hate supermarkets. not that i hate shopping, but i hate all the people i run into there. i don't mean people i know.. for we all know that just couldn't be the case.. i mean people i have weave and manuever around.

while leaving the store... and mentally composing this entry.. along with some tidbits i observed on the way to work (why don't high school kids EVER have an umbrella? is it really that uncool?) something flabbergasting happened.. and a whole new entry was born.

as i walk to my car.. there's a lady just starting to load her car two spot (one car between us) before mine. i'll take a moment to describe her.. only to give some adjectives some use.. and paint something of picture.

i'd put her in her fifty's. short. overweight. short dark hair.. very red lipstick. hispanic looking -- but not really... more.. south american if that makes any sense to you.

i load my car.. and turn to walk my cart the 30 or so feet to the nearest car depot -- note this is back past the lady. i hardly notice her as i go past.

i turn around.. and head back to my car only to see her walking away from my car... yes, she went in the OPPISITE direct two car spaces and left her car DIRECTLY behind my car.

i call out to her, "you're leaving your cart behind my car?" a bemused look on my face.. fully expecting some sort of babbled apology her to move her cart.

she replies with something i can't understand and continues to her car.

i say, "you're just going to leave it there?"

i thinks replies.. her car door is open.. and can't really hear her. clearly, she's paying no mind and just going to get in her car and drive off.

i make a split second choice to give back what i've been given -- only with a smile.

i reach the cart, turn it around and push it behind her car and leave it. i smile and waive at her.. though i don't think she can see me as she's now sitting in her car almost closing the door.. and i say, "have a nice day!" my voice is extra happy and the smile on my face is real.

i walk to my car.. get in and wonder if she's going to ram my car with the cart. i'm ok with this.. the store has camera's she'll pay for the damage.

i back out, no sign of her or the cart... but her car is still there. as i start to drive past i see she's move the car to in front of her car -- where lazy people generally leave carts.. and they are atleast "something" near out of the way.

did i mention the cart depot was like 30 feet from my car.. so like 20 feet from hers?

she yells something out at me.. i'm somewhat surprised by this. i didn't think she'd say anything. afterall, how can you pretend to be "in the right" in such a situation? you're going to be upset with me for doing the exact same thing you did?

perhaps she won't leave her cart like that again. thought i doubt her behavior will change. in fact, i rather wish to be at around when she tells the story. i'm curious to hear how it's different.

i drive off.. making no comment.. the bemused smile back on my face.

and now.. i must dawn my wrist braces.. for things are sore.. i'm very much looking forward to two days of little typing.. much lounging.. and prep-work for next week.

irony of the day: i had chinese food for lunch.. and my fortune was "you will be the next to be promoted at work".

in all likelihood, i am to be the next one to quit/leave work.

i am quite ok with this.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

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