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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

i'll miss curling
February 26, 2006 - 9:15 pm

that movie.. "the hills have eyes" looks pretty freaky. the part about the promo i like the least is the bit with the little deformed girl asking the guy to play with "us".

i doubt i'll go see it. not that it makes me squimish.. it's that violence for violence sake has lost it's appeal to me.

heck, i'm even finding CSI disappointing to watch. they alway show more gore.. more cut up bodies.. more whatever. i guess that's what they have left to get people to watch. i don't find the stories all that compelling anymore.. though i do like several of the chars.. and since i know they are always going to catch the badie.. what's the point?

kinda like why i got into house. i really liked the interaction between the chars.. esp house and the billionaire guy who tried to buy the place. then it was kinda interesting with him and his ex.. but now.. eh. i dunno. whatever bizarre reason they think it will be in the first 45 minutes won't be a factor at all. the thing with his ongoing leg troubles and drug use (well, possible drug use) is kinda intersting.. but.. the whole bizarre medical illness thing that only one person can cure.. wears thin -- which is what i thought when i first heard of the show.

i'm a bit of a kill joy eh?

i guess it sucks to be me and not entertained by what's on tv.

on the plus side, i finally cleaned my closet. i've got a nice box full of clothes i'm going to donate. this makes me feel good.

i'm going to take the certificate course i was thinking about.. just too much money and i can learn the same stuff by reading various books.

speaking of reading.. i've not been doing that. so i guess that becomes my top goal for next week.

i'm also going to take my suits to the cleaners.. in prep for actaully trying to get some interviews. random emailing doesn't work so good.. but works as a lame way to say "i did something".. but, tis time to actaully do something.

in that same vein.. this week is serious conversation time with bossman. i've been in the office for nine months and it's time to get some sort of timeline set for me getting out of the office. i'm tempted to go over his head.. but that'd clearly "end" things here. i'm sort of ok with that.. actaully, it's kinda surprising at all the little grievences that have been festering since i've come back. well, some arn't so little.. regardless. i've run out of patience.

what else?

oh, in the interest accuracy.. despite my earlier post of delusions regarding poker.. i tend to fair no better, on average, at limit than i do at nolimit. the difference is it's just harder to go broke as fast in limit. more importantly, it's far, far easier to collect points.. and enter tourny's with the points -- meaning if the stars line up right, i could win something from my "free" points.. or at least, play for a while and not lose anything.

i won't be living off poker anytime soon.. or on tv.. or even playing in a real casino again.

in closing.. i'm going to miss coming home and watching curling.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
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Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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