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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

sunday's babblings
January 29, 2006 - 2:01 pm

from the kinda freaky department..


basically, the earth's magnetic core could flip. now this i've hear about before and have watched specials and whatnot on.. the freaky part is that if it does happen "soon" the mayan calendar would be right. i think it shows an "end" around 2015.

of course, the article doesn't talk about that.. but still, interesting stuff.

again, this tidbit brought by fark.

in other news, i've now set myself up with two semi-viable escape option. both of which, for the time, shall be hush-hush.. as it will mean i'll feel guilty/bad if neither one works out.

the important part is that two exist -- and perhaps more to follow as i did some resume emailing this weekend.

doing taxes makes my eyes glaze over. i think it's just mental block thing. well, that coupled with my taxes usually add in the twist of having more than one state to deal with.. which doesn't matter for the federal taxes, but does for the state stuff.

i wonder if i'll be in CT long enough to just have one one set of state forms?

it's looking like i'll be getting enough back to cover 3/4ths of my new bed.. so i'm happy, very happy with that. yes, i know.. paying off one debit or another would be wiser.. but i argue that a good nights sleep trumps all.

though, given how much i move.. i do need to check into how the bed travels.. it's gotta be easier than a mattress since it's mostly air chambers. the "box" that olds it together has to come part.. so really, it should be a better all around.

not having football today is kinda odd.

i like sundays, not because they have football.. i don't really care much about that, just used to watching it. i like sundays because on sundays i start to feel "good" again. by friday i'm a wreck from work.. saturday is all "blah" and sunday is back to me day.

more or less.

goals for this week (in no particular order):

submit my taxes
get a dental appointment
get a doc appointment
continue research on escape routes
throw away things i don't use anymore

i'm something of a packrat -- not a terrible one, but sort of one. i gather up this and that.. and it sets unused for ages and ages. i don't think "i might need this one day", i just don't feel the need very often to throw things away.

i find that getting what i own down to the things i actaully need/use a sort of.. "worthy" goal.

oh, by throwning away, i don't mean just in the dumpster.. i mean out of my apartment.. perhaps to goodwill or wherever. there is a one of those big blue drop dumpster thingies on my way to work.

(this way) / (that way)

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Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
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