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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

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interesting things
November 12, 2005 - 9:56 am

interesting stuff..

the army hit it's recruiting numbers, some 4,900 people (if i recall right) signed up. each and every one of them knows they more than likely going overseas to the middle east.

why is it interesting? shows some level of support for what we are doing there amoung young people. if you don't support something, you don't join up to go there.. right?

another interesting thing is the troubles in france. kinda surprised, ok not really, about the lack of coverage. sure they show burning cars, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of saying why it's happening.

between the us and europe there's always been a sort of tension about economic styles. the us has leaned towards a market economy (not capitalism really, though we like to say that) and europe wants a much higher level of government involvement and regulation.. something more akin to socialism.

socialism sounds good on paper.

communism sounds good on paper.

everyone gets an equal share. everyone is treated equally.

being able to flap my arms and fly to work sounds good on paper, i don't have to pay for gas or drive a car that emits harmful gases.

human nature isn't taken into account in any of those. i believe it's a key part of human nature for a great many people to want to be better than others.. to want to have "more" of something, anything, everything than others.

it's greed. it's lust. it's gluttony.

a fundamental change in people, all people, needs to happen.

the us was founded, in part, upon the idea that you could come here and become rich, become famous, become whatever you wanted. this basic notions fly in the face of peace and happiness.

if everyone is rich, then no one is rich. if everyone is rich, then we are all equal... and being equal doesn't fit.

this all ties back, in one way or another, to the riots in france. poor people there are pissed. low employment. discrimination. events elsewhere in the world.

i also wonder if people signing up for the military here is about support or about the prospects of a paying job, training and college assistance once they are done. is it thinking, if i go there for 4 year, i could be setting myself up for a better life? i could be getting ahead?

i don't know.

now i don't want you to think that all the stuff i said about human nature is "bad". that very drive.. those very traits are why we have what we have. why we have this internet.. and everything else. is that good or bad, i don't know. i'm just saying....

(this way) / (that way)

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