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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

i heard sirens
September 20, 2005 - 7:59 pm

a few minutes ago as i watched reruns of the west wing.. the blaring sounds of sirens filled my apartment.

i don't know what happened, but i know what i imagined happened.

about 150 yards outside my apartment is a major highway. i hear the traffic and generally think of it as my giant hidden by trees white noise machine -- this is on the few occasions when i choose to sit out there.

the sirens were police. the sirens were ambulance. the honks were fire trucks.

i couldn't see the cause -- the trees. i could just hear the large number of them.

as i watched my pointless tv it occured to me.. what i was hearing, that was annoying and caused me to turn up the volume.. was, quite possibly, the same thing someone else was hear.. the very last thing that someone else might be hearing.

perhaps to them the sirens were the sound of hope, of help.

perhaps to them the sirens were the sound of fear, of death.

i've no idea. i can only assume it was a traffic accident on the highway. cars moving at high speed tend to have nasty accidents.. the mix of physics and our frail bodies.

the point of this entry? afterall, i don't have a shred of worthy while detail.. not a hint of gory nastiness to report. nothing to rubberneck about.

the point is simple. i'm all to aware that but for the random fickle hand of fate, the sound of the sirens were an annyonce to me and not something else.

i've had such revelations before -- the basic point being life is short, do what you think is best.. and do it now. there isn't time to sort out all the details.. there isn't time to analyze everything.. there isn't time to play all the angles.. there isn't time not to choose.

someone once said, the only things you really regret are the things you didn't do... because you'll always wonder if it would have been the right choice.

you see, if you act.. you know -- good or bad, you know.

if you don't.. you never will.

all this.. because i heard sirens.

this.. makes a great many things i've been debating come into focus. without a doubt they will be out of focus in short order -- that doesn't the fact that tonight.. tonight i heard sirens.

(this way) / (that way)

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Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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