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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my weekend
August 14, 2005 - 11:17 am


i think i'd vote for him. why? i've no idea. but i know i'd be a lot more likely to listen to speeches. i wonder what other world leaders would think? do you think they'd watch his movies to get familair with his movies?


yesterday, i went up to foxwoods.. had the idea in my head since thursday or friday to play poker in person.

i got there, walked around a bit.. found the poker room and watched them play for a short bit and tried to sort out how much the chips were. of course, different tables had different chips..

there's only like 70 or 80 tables there, which at first i thought was a lot - that'd be like 720 people playing at 80 tables. however, as i soon learned, the waiting time is fucking huge.

there must have been anohter 100 or so people just milling about waiting to play. i waited 2 hours and didn't even see my name on the board.. so either i signed up wrong, missed my calling or it just takes that long.

i almost started to play craps. the game just looks.. kinda fun. hugely simple to play, provided you avoid some of the weird bets they have. perhaps i'll find an online craps game and make sure i know the rules.

tuesday.. i'm set to take off of work. originally it was for an interview at AFLAC, but i've soured on the idea. i think i want out of sales. i really don't consider myself a salesperson. i don't.

as is perhaps a defense mechanism, i started thinking about more school. getting my phd or getting a second masters degree. the phd would be in marketing i think.. and the masters would be in accounting/finance.

why that mix? the ms degree would get me into a non-sales job easy and there's tons of adds for people with those degrees.

why the phd? i dunno, i like marketing. i need to buy some books and read. i think i really need to start reading every day.

must feed my head.

i metioned the phd idea to a friend back in VA and she said 'yes, i think you'd be a good teacher. you're really good at explaining things.'

i like the idea of helping people and teaching. heck, we are set to have a new person start work on monday and one of my first thoughts was, "i wonder if i'll get to help teach her stuff?"

to a degree, i'm sure i will.. but i won't be her mentor.

my friend in VA also asked if was headed back to norfolk. which is an option if i do go for my phd. they have a pretty good marketing program there and i really like the head prof there.

her asking me made me feel good. there's no interest or sexual whatever there. in fact, she lives with a guy. it's just the idea that someone misses hanging out with me.

pathetic huh?

i know there's other people there that would be happy if i came back.. and that's now weighing on my mind.

when i came back to CT, i thought there'd be people here who would be happy i was back. some of those folks are gone.. moved or whatever, just completely out of touch. others just don't seem happy i'm back.

that's the wrong term, not "don't seem happy", but.. they clearly don't want to be friends. so be it. everyone has their own reasons and has to do what they feel they have to do.

wholey fuck is it hot and humid.

to get back on point.. i think tuesday i'm going to cancel my interview and go up to foxwoods and play during the day. i really am curious how it differs from playing online.

i'm going to email the one prof i like back at norfolk and see what he thinks of the idea. the problem there.. is that i really and truly fucked up a stat class.. and got a C+ i think. i dunno if i can get in with a C+, even if my GPA is a 3.58 overall. might need to retake a stat class and get an A or something. my own damn fault.

does the simple act of sweating help you burn calories and fat? like sitting a sauna? this room is getting sauna-like.
anyway.. i need to do laundry today.

i think that's it..

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars