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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

yesterday.. and today
July 24, 2005 - 10:14 am

yesterday.. all my troubles seem to far away.

er, wait. no. let's try that again.

yesterday, i tweaked my resume. reposted it on monster.. and sent it off to 10 or jobs in the area. hopefully i'll get a nice email back in a day or two.

today.. i'm thinking i might broaden the type of job i'm looking for - yesterday was all marketing type jobs, which is what i think i'd really like to do.

yifang, the chinese (taiwanese actaully) girl i used to meet with/talk to im'd me yesterday. it was nice to chat with her.. even if she ended up sending me questions from her homework for me to answer.

i lost wicked money in poker. it's weird. i can totally see that i play two different ways. one sitting, it's like i'm totally in control. the risks i take are nicely calculated and 9 times out of ten i'm right -- or close enough to that. the next time i sit down, it's all mucked up. i take risks i shouldn't take. i'm a lot looser.. and get blown out of the water. of course, at the time i'm playing.. i'm thinking i'm doing the exact same things as when things are going well.. but looking at the stats.. i go from playing 30-some percent of hands to 50-some.. and that 20 percent is what kills me..

over 100 hands, that's 20 more questionable hands. 20 more hands where i fold or lose at showdown.. well, sure i probably win some of them.. but not enough.

i also got some stuff from my move-in put away -- yes, it's been like 2 months. and yes, i still have some stuff that's not put away. and some stuff i'll probably just throw out... eventually.

i tried to start writing the third part of my story.. and it just didn't work.

today.. i need to get my haircut and to decide if i want to sign up for chinese class this fall. registration starts in a week or so.. and i'm not sure what i need to do.

it sucks that it's raining for the final of the tour. they gotta go around the corners like i would. i want to see them race. too bad they can't put it off a day or something.

i'm seriously thinking of getting the siruis satelite radio.. did i talk about this before? it's 140 bucks or so for the unit and then 13 a month. no commercials.. or at least commercials only on select channels. i'm also curious about the nfl dealie.. i emailed them to see if that means i can listen to any nfl game or what the deal is.

lately.. i've been finding that radio stations here arn't so good. hardly get any music i really like.. and tons of commercials. i change the channel constantly.. and usually end up on the country station just because it's stuff i've never heard before.

considering i own the stock.. and it's made me nice bit of cash, is $13 a month too much.. and it does make sense to use a product i own stock in.

what else?

not much else. perhaps i'll do some more cleaning today.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars