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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

the last coupla days..
June 11, 2005 - 11:51 am

before i start my usual ramblings -- a hearty and well-earned congratz to aprilly for getting into grad school.

i spent a good 12 hours in bed last night. sadly, yes i was alone. why so long?

well, it all goes back to thrusday night and the fact that i'm stilly something of a mucus factory (which i'm still assuming is due to pollen and whatnot, but i'm begining to wonder if it's something else).

thrusday one of the guys at work was helping to put on a charity event for make-a-wish. it was at some bar up in hartford. the basic deal was pay 10 bucks, get a little food buffet and listen to a "band" of sorts play.. drink and have some fun.

'twas a good time. 'twas also a long night.

one nice thing about working for a distributor is that when our vendors are at an event, they are only too willing to pick up tabs and what not.. in this case, buy us drinks. of course, those of us who had customers where there picked up tabs for them.. so it all evens out i suppose..

but every time my hand was empty so-and-so would say, "hey, you want another?" why not?

we left around 1am. i made the mistake of calling my boss on the way home.. mostly i just wanted to say, "will you be in monday? some things i wanna talk about.." instead, we talked for over an hour.. which was fine while i was driving.. but the bastard wouldn't shut up once i got home. i'm not sure what i finally said, but it was past 2am when i hung up.

he called back at like 3am, didn't answer, and found out friday that he pretty much called everyong.. guess he couldn't go to sleep and decided to spread the misery.

work friday.. pretty much sucked. i got about three to four hours sleep.

on top of being mildly hung-over.. one guy was out, another left early.. and so it was busy..

i got home around 5:30.. thought about dinner, but was just dead tired. i sat and watched some tv until around 8, sort of napping i suppose. finally i decided, why not just take a real nap for like an hour or two and then get something to eat.. intead i woke up this morning.

i'm still feeling "foggy" but really, i didn't drink that much.. so i'm thinking it's more the pollen.

i dunno.

what do i need to do this weekend? laundry.. sweep.. wonder more about my wonderful cough.. and perhaps try to "sprouse" this place up some.

anyone know much about house plants? i need something that does well with no direct sun light..

(this way) / (that way)

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