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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

people annoy me
May 30, 2005 - 8:36 pm

i have ever mentioned that people, in general, annoy me? i'm sure i have. specific people i like.. but on general principle, annoyance is normal.

take the other day when i was trying to get my emissions test done. i was at firestone and there was this older couple (in their sixties) ahead of me. the guy wanted to buy tires for his truck. the store had three types of tires that would fit. seems easy, no?

the guy was VERY intersted in tread pattern. he wanted to see each type, but first he wanted to show the worker-fella the tire on the wall he really wanted. the worker-fella already explained none of the tired on the wall would fit the guys car.

but over to the wall they went where the older guy talked about what a nice tread pattern this one tire had and he really wanted this particular tread pattern.

finally the worker-guy goes to get the three tires that will fit so the older guy can look at them. one, thankfully, turned out to be marginally acceptable to the guy and bought those.

the entire process took much to fucking long in my opinion. the worker-fella was pretty annoyed.. and, to be honest, all the talk of "tire tread pattern" seemed like bullshit. that the guy was talking up a storm to either cover up that he knew nothing of tires or was trying to impress his wife with how through and knowledgable he was.

either way.. it was absurd.

even if he really did know that much about tires.. the process is pretty fucking simple. you ask to see the tires they have, they show you. you like or you don't.. there's lots of tire places, shop to your hearts content, but for fuck's sake stop talking about what's "bad" about a tire and what you'd like to see. the firestone guy ain't gonna redo the tires.

then.. there's people in stores with shopping carts. i think that when most people grab a shopping cart their iq drops a good 100 points. what's the deal with standing sideways in an aisle? is it really so hard to keep your cart pointed straight ahead and to one side of the aisle or the other? is it really so hard to slow down and "peek" when leaving/entering an aisle? i'm sure you've nearly run into many people many times.. learn and adept. no matter how many times you want to look, if your favorite brand wasn't there the first five times, i won't be there the sixth -- unless you suck at looking or some other fool was placing stuff back in the wrong spots.

(this way) / (that way)

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