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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

this is all absurd
July 16, 2004 - 12:06 pm

test tuesday - haven't studied a lick for it.

project due at work - swot analysis.. havn't really done a damn thing with either.

i wish i could just explain to these people none of that shit matters.

i was driving behind a guy in h2 and i thought.. wow, i can't think of a single bigger insult to soldiers than driving an h2.

starts at what.. $50,000 - about twice what the average grunt soldier makes a year. horrible gas milage - not even listed anywhere i could see on the hummer's site, how fucked up is that? it should be the anti-american car.

everything about it screams waste. i wonder how many hummer drivers joke and pretend they are soldiers as they tool around.. must be a lot, why else get the damn thing? driving a hummer in a city. give me a fucking break.

this economics class.. this swot analysis.. is pointless.

we live in a society that most would agree there's something 'off' about it.. something not quite right.

we shrug our shoulders and wonder.. going on doing the same old things.

we pretend going to work actaully matters. we pretend owning a house is an asset, something to be proud of (have you ever done the math on just how bad an investment a house is? well, unless you can afford to purchase it outright.. i'm talking the avg morage over 25 years or so means you pay in 3x what the house was worth.. add in protery tax, insurance.. and you never make a dime back on a house. wake the fuck if you think the purchase price was 100k and you sold it for 125k, that means you made 25k!)

the more you work.. the more you make.. the more you make.. the more you buy.. the more you buy the more you're part of the problem - of course, minus the problem part, that's what we've been taught is good.

money is a tool to get the things you deserve.

more like money is an addiction used to keep us working.. making money for others, so they don't have to work.

this is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

i'm well aware part of this seems to be at odds with the political junk i was talking about the other day (yesterday?).

eh. this is all absurd.

look in a mirror and repeat until you pass out: "i am not sheep. i do not go baaa baaa. i will learn to think critically."

i need to stop caring about such things.

(this way) / (that way)

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