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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

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not voting
July 15, 2004 - 7:15 pm

sci-cat, but if go to the sites of the people who are running.. i'll undoubtedly finds things about them i don't like and will end up not voting at all.

i think good old george washington was right when he said not to form political parties.

in all honesty, i don't want bush to win - and it's little to do with the war in iraq -- while the wmd thing was a true fubar situation.. i think it's good, overall, that saddam is out and the startings of a government elected by the people of iraq is starting. do i like that americans are dying there? no, i don't. however, more iraqies (spelling?) were dying there each day before we got there.. and they are people to. i'm not so arrogant to rank people born within this imaginary-human-drawn-border as better or more deserving of life than those born somewhere else.. so short-term the situation sucks.. long-term it at least has the promise to improve.

i'll probably vote for kerry. i don't really have much against him, but he waffles too damn much. expect the protectionist economic bullshit.

if you don't get that protectionist measures will hurt the us far more than having an open econmny.. you need to go take an class on economics. or.. email me and i'll give a whack at helping ya understand.

i want a fucking leader. someone who inspires. someone who... knows what's what and doesn't have to dick around with stupid piddling side-issues.

yeah, the whole gay marriage thing irks the hell outta me.

it's a state's issue, not a federal one. let the people of each state vote as they will - stop trying to make our constitution limit freedoms. senator mccain is right, limiting freedom is very unrepublican thing to do - or perhaps, the values of that group have changed.

yeah, so i'm pro-freedom -- if it doesn't hurt you or someone else, it should be legal. i'm pro-smaller government -- it's roll is to provide a framework of us to live out the dream of pursing life, libtery and happiness, it's not there to offer long-term garuantees or handouts.

eh. you know what? most of that above doesn't matter. the election is in november right? that's past september, past me moving out of here and into my own place. with any luck, i won't be voting at all.

(this way) / (that way)

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