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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

two parts: car and a new cardinal rule
November 18, 2003 - 12:28 pm

two part entry. part one - my car:

i'm in such an unhappy mood.

i got up at 7am to take my car to the dealer. the brakes (rotars) need fixed and it's still under warrenty..

so i get there and sit in the lounge. at about 9:30, the guy comes out and says they need to replace the rotars, but don't worry it's free to me. he says he can set up a shuttle to take me home and one will pick me up when my car is done. i'd rather sit and wait, thinking it won't be too long, but agree to the shuttle. the guy says it should be about half an hour till the shuttle is ready for me.

at about 10:30 the guys walks through the lounge sees me and says, 'you're still here? let me find that shuttle.'

>at 11:30 i go find him and ask where's my car. i'm hoping that it's done and i don't mind the wait. he says, again, 'you're still here?' and goes to find out where my car is. he comes back and says they are going to start working on it after lunch. i frown and say i want the shuttle now.

i truly dislike shitty customer service. he told me they took the wheels and whatnot off to see that the rotars need replaced - so why weren't they working on it then? i was the only person to be in the lounge at 9:45 who was there at 8 am, so my car had to be pretty damn near the top of the list - no?


part two - you're reply. well actaully that's not your last reply, that's in my notes.. but i'm bringing this all together for me.

i posted this and you replied the above.. i asked this and you replied in my notes.. sorry, i'm done with links - i hope i did them right.

damn, with all those links.. i lost my concentration and my point.

oh, i guess i took the lyrics we were posting to literal. i thought since you put in the part about since we are here now we could say the things we've always needed to say and, perhaps, rewrite this ending. i mean, after that.. you said 'so that's what i think.'

nevermind. i'm too fucking tired for this. clearly we just can't communicate well online, we never had a foundation to build from or whatever the reason, i don't know.

i always hear you saying one thing and then it seems you're saying another. our sender-encoding-transmission-receiver-decoding process is flawed - perhaps inherently so, i don't know. i've always wanted to have an actual voice conversation about things - but that never happened.

perhaps that's my new cardinal rule - if someone isn't willing to verbally talk about things, then i'm not interested in communicating with them. of course i'm talking if things happen to take the 'more than friends' type road..

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
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