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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

homo homo spiens
October 08, 2003 - 9:45 pm

so, this is what i wanted to write about today, not that last entry.

while walking to class today in front of me i saw a girl wearing all black. her hair was unnaturally blond. her dress slit on both sides well past her knees. over the dress was some sort of ankle length 'jacket' of cloth. i have no idea what it's called, but it danced in the wind behind her somewhat like a cape for it was not buttoned. she wore boots - black leather boots.

i thought of a man, a boy really, i'd seen a few days ago. he wore tan pants, some greenish jacket with patches safty pinned all over it. his head was shaved. tattoos all over the parts of skin exposed.

i thought of the student groups here on campus. i'd have to say over 95% of them are either religious or ethic in intent. i'm excluding social fraturnities and sororities - those are greek, not student if you'll allow the distiniction.

as i passed the girl, for she was walking slow, i thought.. she goes through trouble to make herself look different. her nose and eyebrows were pierced. i've no idea what else was.

the boy wore the jacket to show he was a punk - the safety pins a nice touch.

the student groups are all about banding together with like people.

the following isn't an extraordinay thought.. one i've had many, many times before..

we strive to be different. we strive to be individuals. we long to be viewed as unique and special.

i'd argue that almost every 'evil' humanity has known is due to differences. we loath the idea of being considered one of the pack - speaking generally of course.

in this country, we are not all americans. no, we are african-americans. we are mexican-americans. we are whatever, regardless of the fact that if you are born in america you are american.

we join groups to show off our diversity. we have policies about hiring to ensure it.

my point is this: are we not all american?

i am white. my ancesters came from england and germany and who knows where else. am i an anglo-saxon american? am i am cuacausion-american?

the sound of those is funny.. is odd and to some, perhaps, insulting.

i say we are all humans. imaginary lines drawn on land that we think we own divides. the deeds of the past linger and drive stakes between us. concepts of a being no one can truly understand cause hatred.

there will be no peace, no true happiness until the concept that in reality, however you define that, we are all the same - homo homo spiens.

please, pardon the above. i'm intoxicated.

(this way) / (that way)

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