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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my roomie and religion
September 01, 2003 - 12:48 pm

it's official. my roomie, rob, is a moron.

we are watching the news today and he says to me, 'know what would fix this muslim problem?'

i can't wait to hear what he has to say, since i'm confused already. i know there are extremists that happen to be muslime who seem to greatly dislike the united states - rather like how the kkk, a christian group, dislikes others.

anyway, he says 'if we bomb mecca it will prove thier religion is wrong and fix the whole thing.'

i havn't verified this, but it turns out that according to rob, the koran says that mecca is invincible, so if we destroy it the muslim faith will crumble and, in his mind, every single of of them will gladly and happily become christian.

i politely try to point out that if we were to bomb mecca, that would more than likely make a very, very large number of people extremely angry - relgion 'ending' or not - and make this massive amount of people hate the 'west' like nothing ever seen in history before.

rob is unshaken by this, firmly thinking that blowing up mecca would be an instant cure. i'm reminded of just how tolerant and goodly christians can be.. if there's a small group of muslims you don't like, fuck the whole bunch. never mind about the kkk, white supremists groups, that whole misunderstanding with the spanish inquisition, and the crusades.

i make a poor judgement and mention that there are quite a few things that are.. 'off' in the bible. of course, rob isn't at all interested in that.

i'm debating bring up some basic points about the bible to see what he thinks of them. small tidbits like, according to the bible, humanity is about 4,000 (or is it 5,000?) years old.. this also means that in the last 5,000 years there was a flood that covered the whole earth. now, i no scholar on this history of the earth, but i'm prett darn sure people existed more than 5,000 or even 50,000 years ago - no?

anyway.. for clarification, if i must be labled, i'm agnostic. the question of interest to me is how did 'everything' start. was it the big bang? if so, where did the matter from the big bang come from? i've read quite a few physics books on the subject.. and most put forth some interesting theories.

if a creator did make the big bang happen, that's fine.. but where did the creator come from? is there no true begining? can there be a begining?

why would a being who could make the universe, be all interested in a tiny speck of a planet with life on it.. life that can't even go one day, one second, without destroying something.

or to stick with christianity, why if there is a god (i'll only use god when referring to xianity) who can create the world.. why can't this same being create angels who are loyal? god want's lucifer to turn on it (i also use it to refer to god, i doubt god is male or female.. that would imply sexual reproduction and more than one 'god', no?) so god created the angels with the intention of them turning on it.. and then punishes them for doing what they were created to do?

i suppose logic fails when operating at such a high level.

i don't deny the existence of any superior being - i just don't see how any current religion makes sense, of course, people argue religion isn't about sense.. it's about faith.

to that i say, if god wants me to believe in god, then i will. if god doesn't, i won't. everything is as it is in god's plan and can't be any other way - no?

i hope the converstation is over. i have very little interest in going round and round with him. my moron comment early is only in regards to thinking that blowing up a city would fix anything. he seems to be happy thinking as he does, and that's anyone can hope for.

(this way) / (that way)

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