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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

pissed at my brother
August 30, 2003 - 3:31 pm

right now, i'm very annoyed with my brother, the doctor.

my parents came down to visit him, his family and me.. so he decided to take us all to see his ship - he's a doc in the navy.

well, my mom said she'd stay at his house with my brother's two little girls so my dad could see the ship. that's all fine and good.

my dad can't walk and get around so well anymore.. but my brother said not to worry, we can get to the medical bay all by ramps and none of the ramps are steeper than our driveway, which is pretty steep.. but my dad can walk up it.

what my brother left out is that the first ramp is about 1.5 times longer than our driveway.. the second ramp is about 2 times longer than our driveway.. and the third ramp (which would take us all the way to the deck) is about 5 times longer.

so we got to the medical bay, which is up the first two ramps, and sat for a bit talking. now the whole time we are walking.. from the car, down the port, up the ramp to get into the ship, i'm walking next to my dad at his slow pace. my brother is off walking normally leaving us in the dust. now and then he'd stop and look around and wait for us.. but anything he was talkind about, we couldn't hear.

i was pissed. what kinda person takes people on a tour and doesn't think to be considerate enough to walk at the pace of the slowest person?

not to mention it's like 90 degrees here.. and my dad, being in poor health, isn't in anything near the shape for this. the ramps were too steep and long.

so we are in med lab and we saw the ramp to the deck. my brother wants to take us up there, but my dad says 'you guys go ahead, i'll sit here', meaning though he'd love to see it, he knows he couldn't walk up it. my brother starts to say 'if you're sure..' i cut him off and say 'can't we commendeer (however you spell it) a wheel chair?'

my brother says we could.. my dad, surprisingly, says ok. so i push him up this steep ass incline in the chair.

we were only there a short time, but on the walk back to the car he was stumbling and had to stop to rest several times. again, i'm walking next to him waiting to try and catch him if he's going to fall and my brother, the fucking doctor, is off in front of us.

the final fifty feet to the car I did have to half-carry him.

my brother helped by opening the car door.

i dunno. i'm annoyed and confused. i'm going chew my brother out some, nothing like having the chance to curse at an elder sibling and be completely in the right.

(this way) / (that way)

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