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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

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highschoolers n oral sex
May 20, 2003 - 7:59 am

ahh yes, here's an article that bill clinton would be proud of! http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/2212986/detail.html

one day i'll not be so lazy and make hyper links.

the article says, in part, ""A lot of times teens do not consider oral sex to be sex because they want to be able to be satisfied without losing innocence of respect," Smith wrote. "Forty percent of 274 students polled are having oral sex but not having sexual intercourse. For some reason this generation thinks that saying 'so-and-so went down on me last night' sounds a lot more innocent than 'so-and-so and I had sex last night.'""

right, so even though it's called oral sex, it's not sex. just like anal sex isn't sex and vaginal sex isn't sex. right?

i do find it truly staggering, the ability of humans to rationalize things. if being in high school and saying you're having sex is something you can't fathom doing.. but you want to have sex, so you just pretend it's not the same thing?

by group decision, oral sex is cool. it's still sex.

it's like.. if you can't walk into a pharmacy and buy a pack of condoms without being all embarassed and mortified, then you shouldn't be buying them.

sex isn't something to be embarassed about. it's a very natural thing. it's a reflection of a persons level of maturity if they are embarassed about it.. if they are struggling to find some way to make it seem cool and acceptable, then, regardless what they think, they arn't ready for it - the responsibility of it.

i suppose it's a plus that it's oral sex, less pregent teens that way.

though i wonder if they kiddies think it's safe. that they can't get stds from oral sex.

to be technical, the definitions of fellatio and cunnilignus don't contain the word sex. they are each just the oral stimulation of respective genitals.

sex is defined as reproduction. to that end, having "sex" while using birth contol like a condom and the pill wouldn't be sex, just intercourse.

how many ways do you want to split the hair?

two things in short:

1) if you have to find some way to rationalize what you're doing to make it acceptable.. you shouldn't be doing it - at least not yet.

2) a rose by any other name...

(this way) / (that way)

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