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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

lawsuit, democracy and business
May 10, 2003 - 9:31 am

once i wrote if the lawsuit, it was just one at the time, against the fast food company mcdonalds actually went to court i'd move out of the country.

i think there are now multiple lawsuits against fast food - a tobacco kind of situation.

so it appears that after i earn my grad degree, i'll be looking for a new country.

i refuse to be associated with people who can't take responsibility for thier own actions.

i think people that still smoke should NOT be eligable for state/federal healthcare funds for smoking related illness. sorry, but you make the choice to smoke, why should i pay for your treatment? we all know it's bad for you.

parents who take and/or let thier kids eat every damn day at fast food OR themselves eat every day at fast food are stupid. sorry, but you are. you're stupidity should mean that you get rich.

what's the damn link between doing something stupid, blaming it on someone eles and getting rich?

the smoking thing irks me alot now that i think about it. how much could the government save if it didn't subsidize healthcare for people who choose to destroy thier health? billions i bet.

part of those billions is money i've paid.

to be honest, i detest the creeping socialism of the united states. i am a capitalist. anytime the government steps into the affiars of business, it's not in the name of a free capitalistic market - it's in the cause of socialism.

i'm also very much for democracy - true democracy. you think that's what we have now? when's the last time you voted on a law? you havn't. you've elected folks who in turn vote on laws. they also vote for all sorts of pork barrel bullshit projects that waste money. these elected officials have created a tax code so fucking convoluted that i doubt anyone truly understands it from front to back. i find it very ironic that one of the main reasons for the revolution was england messing with business in the colonies and taxes.

i can't wait for the day, though i doubt the folks in power would ever let it come to pass, when we have some kinda secure system where we can to to an assigned voting building and vote on things ourselves. retnal scans and all that to id each of us. legislation comes up for, example, the tax cut that bush is pushing. i'd love to go and vote on it. that would be democracy.

of course the retnal scans would let the govt know eactly what each of us voted for and would no doubt be abused in some fashion. my dream is a pipe dream.

basically, i think as much as it says it "tries" to help, our government fucks up more than it helps.

the declaration of independence says we each have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. none, not a single one, of the original amendmants to the constitution infring into the arena of business. in fact, the original ones are all pretty much about the things the government can't do.

back to one of my original points. yes, we have an obesity problem. the problem is not with the fast food companies. the problem is with the poeple who choose to eat there to fucking often. if poeple would choose to eat healthier we wouldn't have an obesity problem. business provides what the people buy. if people want to buy healthy food, we'd have healthy fast food - in fact we are seeing that now. the chains are all offering various forms of salads and i bet there's more to come.

lawsuits claiming massive amounts of money for people's own stupidity is the new american dream. the dumber you are, the less you are willing to take responsibilty for your own actions, the more it seems you deserve to be rich.

of course, lawyers we claim a large chunk of any award are probably pushing the lawsuits. i truly think these suits are just a wolf in sheeps clothing for greed. it sounds so noble. if your intention is pure, why not only keep the money needed for medical bills and donate the rest? why suit for such massive amounts of money that you plan to keep? no, someone dangled bags of money in front of your eyes and you've talked yourself into the position that you deserve it - that you are owed it.


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