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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

three things and then a fourth
August 30, 2002 - 5:37 pm

where to start? i have three things at the moment.

1) i really do hate food shopping. now some people have been know to laugh at me because i go up and down every asile. unless i happen to notice it's the pet junk one, then i skip that. you'd think a guy who hates food marts would have a plan of action, get in and out and home instead of maximizing him time there. i'm like that. i buy reduced fat pancake mix and then add in chocolate chips. anyway, i was behind the one type of shopper i hate most today. this guy walked down the middle of asile. the goddamn middle. couldn't pass him. so finally we get to the end and he turns to go to the next one, but stops at the mouth of it. just stopped, looking down it trying to decide if he wanted to go or not. he didn't. i watched him go to the next one and do the same thing. just stop and block the whole thing up. food markets + people = stupidity.

2) i read an article yesterday and actually got an email about it today at work. they found a sub that the united states sank a few hours before japan dropped the first bomb on pearl harbor. the email said, in part, "so we started the war?" perhaps people who don't like to think would see this as true, we, not japan, started our envolment in the war. uhm, wake up. first of all, this is a vessel of stealth and war in our waters, outside of probably the most sensitive place it could be found short of in the potomac river. second, the japanese armada was already sailing to pearl harbor, the attack orders were set and that fleet knew damn well what it was doing..the fate of the sub didn't affect things. three, that sub was only one sub. i forget how many the article said there were, but it wasn't some lone sub just snooping around, it was part of it's own little attack plan. four, i wish i could cite the source, but i'm pretty darn sure that japan as formally apologized for the surprise attack. it went agaist the japanese code of honor to attack with no notice. there was fifth point, but i forget it now..something about a message japan had sent to washington. perhaps we did fire the first shots. if we did, it was defensive attack...defending our waters from an invador. spying on a country can be an act of war, so there you go. what annoys me the most about this is that it's a historical footnote, that's all it should be. i hope it doesn't become some big issue.

3) baseball didn't strike. i'm disappointed. i wanted them to. i wanted pressure to be applied and the books of the clubs to be looked at. the whole damn thing is a joke. at least i don't have to hear about it possibly happening.

uhm, anything else? oh i think it's worth repeating. beauty pagents are the very definition of what's wrong with our society. well, part of the definition, there's a heck of alot wrong with it.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
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