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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my weekend so far
August 25, 2002 - 4:09 pm

my head hurts. i've no idea why.

here's my saturday:

i woke up at 11am and watched the episode i taped the night before of farsacpe. i dunno why, but i really like this show. it was the last show of the season. i'm hoping they go back to the first season. i did see any of that. the show got pretty deep with the idea of wormholes, tunnels through space and time. going into how everything, every event has both location coordinates (like distance), but time ones too.

i then channel surfed looking for the steelers game that was supposed to start at 12:30. the game wasn't on here. i was bummed. i listend to it off a www.nfl.com radio link. dear god the announcers for pittsburgh hate each other. because of that, they suck to listen too. myron cope is bad enough. you've no idea what i mean if you're not from pittsburgh. next time the steelers play, go to www.nfl.com and listen to just five minutes of the broadcast. the man has his own language. hmm ha, indeed.

i became tired listening to the game. at some point i decided to lay on my couch and listen. i faded from awake to asleep for about 2/3rds of the game. it was four o'clock when i got off the couch. i was still wicked tired. it was very cloudy and no lights were on here, i think that had a lot to do with things. i laid down on my bed for a 'quick nap'.

my phone rang at 8pm. i got up to get that.

i channel surfed for a while and was back i bed by 10pm.

basically i spelt the entire damn day.

i got out of bed at 10am today. i can sleep.

i went up to erie today for real reason. i was going to buy shoes, but i don't need shoes. i ended up seeing the movie signs. that movie made me jump twice, good scared/shocked jumps. it wasn't at all what i thought it was going to be. it was pretty darn good though.

all the college kids are moving in this weekend. i had traffic coming back into town. it was odd to have traffic. something like 10,000 kids go to edinboro. i think that doubles the town's size. i'm not sure, but it does seem that way.

i can't believe it's only 4 something now. i could go to sleep again.

i think it's the st johns wart fighting with my brain. i've no idea who is winning.

(this way) / (that way)

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