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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my sunday
August 11, 2002 - 6:26 pm

let me start with a plug for a pretty cool service. it's called webshots (www.webshots.com). for free, you get to download five desktop wallpapers a day. if you pay you get more, but that's not really the cool thing. they have all sorts of wall papers...from animals, to people, to lightining shows, to deserts, to funky ass sea creatures (i love the leafy sea dragon). you can set it to cycle through the pictures every fifteen minutes, every hour..whatever. anyway, i like it. i like to shrink everything down and see what's up. i'm a dork.

i got my hair cut today. no, not just one, probably most of them.

my hair is now really short, shorter than it usually gets cut. i always tell the lucky hair guru i get to "cut it as short as would look good". i give no other direction.

i don't like my hair. i jokingly ask people if i should shave my head. i'm not really joking sometimes. i was told it wouldn't look good because i have a "baby face". i think that means my face looks overweight.

i'm not big on head massages. i'm not big on hand running through my hair. sometimes it's ok, but not usually. that can be sort of touchy to bring up if it's in a 'private moment' kinda situation. i like to run my hands through hair, just not mine. i just don't and bringing it up can kill the moment..so i usually don't. i should.

anyway, i like getting my hair cut cause when i sit in the chair with my glasses off and look at my fuzzy self in the mirror...my eyes arn't there. all that i see is my face with two black ovals for eyes. i think it looks pretty freaky and very cool.

i could stare at myself like that for hours. i think it'd rock of my eyes were black ovals. no iris, no whites...just the whole eye socket as black nothingness. of course i'd like to be able to see still.

i think i posted once or two yesterday while drunk. i'm nearly sure i did. i haven't looked. i never read what i post.

i think i'm almost sure what i want to do with myself. i detest the whole job thing, but i do need to pick one or move somewhere warm to be a bum. except for the bad (ie none) health plan, i like the bum idea lot.

i'm doing some research and emailing folks, trying to get a grip on things.

as usual, i'm considering this without any input from anyone else. i've had four jobs since college and i've picked them all with either very minimal or no input from anyone else.

it's not that i don't value anyone elses opinions. i'd love to get input. there's just no one for me to sit down and talk to.

i think the all time music song intro is the by alice in chains, the song "no excuses". i just love that intro.

well, this is my sunday. i'm doing laundry now.

i hate laundry.

(this way) / (that way)

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Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

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