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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

just another day
May 20, 2002 - 5:08 pm

uhm, i dunno if your isp is going to be able to tell you what kinda nic card you have. you don't have the box it came in or anything like that?

good luck, i know it sucks to be an addict and not have access...

other things. i actaully complained at the super market today. see, there's two games in town food wise. there's superbig walmart and littlish giant eagle, yes giant eagle is the name of the supermarket. i like giant eagle cause i grew up near one and this one is on my way home. i also like them cause they have a make your own salad bar. i've taken to liking having my own salad for dinner.

so for like the last week they have not had any meat items. this bothers me. i like chicken or turkery or _something_ meat on my salid. bacon bits just doesn't cut it. so today i go to the customer service desk and ask what's the deal. she looked at me like i'm a moron for even asking. we talked a bit and she said i should come back between 7am and 3pm when that manager is there. i said i couldn't since i work. i really can though, but i'm not sure if i will. i asked her if she could just leave him a note that someone did in fact ask to have the meat brought back.

i don't think she will do it.

i might stop in wednesday and talk to him. see if she told him. if she didn't, then i'm done with them. i already don't like them cause it sucks to get checked out..they never have enough people on duty to make it anywhere near nice. some of the packaged beef looks to be suspect and now they don't even have a salad bar i like. it's really the only reason i go there. i'll get to tell the guy where i live..how freakin close it is and that from now on i'm driving several miles outta my way to shop at his competitor.

i'm feeling sort of vindicitive today if you didn't notice.

i'm pretty much bored to tears at work. it wouldn't be so bad, but since the work i do is semi-legal in nature, we account for our time like billable hours. so i need do _something_ that i can bill...no matter how mundane it is or how many times i've done it before. i just can't do what work i get and paid. the problem is i'm not taking cases yet, well not really..so the work i can do is really limited...yet i need to be paid. it's kinda quirky.

other things.

hrm, things in general.

oh, there was snow, yes snow, on my car today. i was like wtf? i felt like a tool driving into town with snow on my hood.

i'm hungry. i wanted a salad.

i went to a scottish highland festival this weekend. it's at the local college. it used to be much bigger...i was sad about that. i like to hear the drums n pipes play and see the dancing.

i didn't go out either night.

i need to go to the department of vital services and social security office to obtain the documents i need to prove i am me....though i don't know how i do that since i don't seem to have any legit documents. i think i just need to fill out a form. why couldn't i just fill out the form at the dmv? this is silly.

i need to archive..*sigh*

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
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