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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

gossip from work
April 10, 2002 - 5:52 pm

last night.

she said.

oh baby....

wait someone already wrote that.

last night i went bowling. there was no 'she' there to say anything. my best game was a 148. my worst was like 80. i don't bowl much. it was good time though. there were six of us, so two teams of three. four of us from work and two from a vendor. it was a pretty good time.

we went out after bowling. i finally got home rather loaded at around 10 something. i think i posted the lyrics to an eric heatherly song. i love that song.

dave got so drunk he had to be driven home, his car left in norwalk. he lives like an hour north of norwalk. none of us should have driven, but dave was just in no condition to. it's funny cause he's always talked the talk of being a big party kinda guy. i guess that's the way it goes. jeff, dave's and my boss, took him home. jeff lives nearish dave and so it wasn't a big deal. jeff called me at 7am, told me what he had taken dave home, i had left before they did. i wanted to know dave's home number. i didn't have. jeff was in the parking lot of dave's building, but he wasn't sure which unit dave lived in. as of 7:30 there was no sign of dave, so jeff got creative and found the list of who lives where by the entry phone.

jeff got daves roommate to let him in and found dave still in bed. a trainwreck. jeff tried to get dave in gear, but failed. very much annoyed he left, telling dave he had to be at the office by 10:30. dave said his mom could take him to work.

we all found this very amusing. it spread like wildfire in hushed conversations. "dave got so drunk his boss had to drive him home...and then in the morning his boss couldn't get his drunk ass outta bed."

this is no very good for dave. no very good at all. (please note the use of no is on purpose, i like to say it that way in a funny kinda voice). no very good.

10:00am, no sign or word from dave. jeff annoyed calls him on his cell and leaves a message. dave calls in a few minutes later and says something about having trouble finding a ride. jeff get's pissed and tells him to check his goddman voicemail and get his ass in.

now, there were six of us who went and drank. none of us felt very good the next day, but we all made it in but dave. it's very much an unwritten rule in the company that says party as hard as you want, but hangover and all, your butt will be in your seat on time.

dave is to be very much embarassed by his actions. there are downloaded brochures on AA on his desk and i'm sure many, many phone calls to come.

he's a big talker, joke player on people. i think his new nickname of lightweight might very well stick. though lightweight is a tad long to say. we'll think of something.

jeff got a bit annoyed at the number of hushed conversations he overheard us having. he would have rathered we didn't. he was powerless to stop it.

it's totally unacceptable.

oh, that reminds me. enough of dave, well one more thing. dave never did come in, no very good indeed. dave hardly ever bothered to call in or check his voicemail, even worse.

i found the power of four simple words the other day. "that is not acceptable". a very simple phrase. in the course of my job, i've been told this by customers and upon hearing...started to really scramble and try to make mircales happen. i'm not sure what it is about that pharse, but it's powerful. i was in the middle of a freight issue...let me say this, no freight company is worth the money they make...i was in the middle of this shipping fuckup and was told information that didn't please me. i wanted to scream and rip this persons head off, but instead i said, in a very calm voice "this is unacceptable". the customer service rep stuttered a bit and said something else i didn't want to hear. so i said, kicking it up a knotch, "this is totally unacceptable". i didn't go into any detail. i didn't scream or yell. i just stated my position. he located a manager who was able to make things more acceptable, after trying to explain to me what i wanted couldn't be done.

it was really pretty cool. i just said four or five words and let him respond. i didn't have to say anything else. this makes me happy. no stress...no worry..just listen to what you're told and if you don't like it say "this is unacceptable" and see how it changes things. it can't hurt and if you'd rather scream and rant you can always do if the words of power fail.

other things.

i'm worried. you havn't emailed me back or updated on here. i think i'll call you and leave a message since you never answer your phone =)

i'm sure theres' more things, but i'm done writing for today.

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars