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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

i don't think it will stain
March 23, 2002 - 10:58 am

i'm finding odd attractiongs to sentences with four letters. 'face facts with dignity' and 'there is no spoon'.

did i write this bit last night? i dunno. i think when neo gets up after being killed he should have said 'there is no spoon', a quick shot of double confusion on the agents faces and then neo kicks some ass. a second point i didn't like about the movie, but had forgotten until last night. i don't like the whole he's dead, she kisses him and her 'love' brings him back. i know, it's a sweet and tender moment, but it has no real place in the film. of course i'm not the director, so my opinion doesn't really count. the scene's in and completes the love subplot, so i guess that's fine.

it has nothing to do with major gaff i realized last night.

it's 11am and i'm waitching late world on vh1. isn't late world a late night show?

anyway, i laid in bed last night and thought about things. i realized that my mind was continually assulated by sounds and images from today...from yesterday...from who knows when. i've noticed this many time before. in fact it's pretty much a standard thing. it's like the memory cells in my head are continually firing and sending off random bits of things they hold. i can't really sit in total silence, darkness and peace since my mind won't quiet down.

i find this somewhat disturbing. i was thinking about the 'there is no spoon' idea and the buddhist monks. both feats would be the result of focusing mental power. of course he doesn't actaully bend the spoon, but he does change how is mind chooses to see the spoon. the monks use their minds to create heat through controlling the processes of the body.

i'm rambling a tad. more and more i come to believe that reality is less and less the world we see, but the world we think we see. all our senses really are nothing more than impulses carried from nerve cell to nerve cell to nerve cell ect. there is no tv, there is no sound, there is no keyboard. there is what we percieve is sound, a tv, keyboard. take color for example.

my shirt is red. my shirt really isn't red. i see the color red since that's the frequency of light that the material reflects. really the shirt is every color but red, since it's absorbing all the other visable wavelenths of light. if it's black, that means no wavelengths are reflected. if it's white that means all the wavelengths are reflected.

actaully, i'm not wearing any shirt at all. in any sense of the word. i havn't gotten dressed yet.

i'm still assalting my mind. the tv is on and i think this late night guy is some kind of tom green cheap rip off.

i don't think i really have a point.

just doing a little mind dump.

sorry for the mess. i don't think it will stain.

(this way) / (that way)

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