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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

an odd night
February 4, 2002 - 5:28 pm

ugh, i forgot to mail my rent check again. i wonder if i am trying to subconsciensly(i could never spell that word) to get evicted. the whole i wanna be a bum thing.

to be honest, i don't know where to start. i've so much to blather about. i think one thing is definitly more an email thing, so i'll knock that out...

hrm, i'll start here. to the mini-me, hopefully you get who that is, sorry if you didn't care for my words. i didn't mean them in any sort of a bad way, i was just trying to explain what i meant.

now on to last night. i did go to coachs. i got there about an hour before the game started. every other i've been that early, the place has been near empty, but not last night. it was already standing room only in the bar. i didn't like that at all. for whatever reason i stood for about an hour...getting more annoyed at the vast amount of people and inane pregrame crap. i don't think i've ever noticed what a spectical the game has turned into. anyway, i watched the kickoff and a few plays and hten decided this i stupid. i'm not going to stand for the next 3+ hours. so i left and walked down to a poolhall/bar thats like three doors down.

it was nice and quiet. seats for about 25 around the bar and, counting me, only about eight taken. it was shaping up to be a very nice and quiet evening. the bartender guy was nice. he'd ask trivia now and then of people. it was in the second quarter when this tired looking girls walks in. since i was at the end of the line of people, sort of, she sat next to me. she knew the bartender and they talked abit.

i'm not sure how it started, but she said something to me and i answered and somehow or other we got onto relationships. she never refered to any of the people she said she had dated by 'he' or any male pronoun, so i was trying to figure out a way to ask her nicely if she as a lesbian.

did i mention this story is kind of weird and twisted? well not twisted, but weird for me.

about that time she brings it up herself, asking if i cared. to me it doesn't really matter. we talked about a variety of things throughout the 2nd half of the game. i made the mistake of ordering a hamburger there. it made me feel pretty shitty this morning or perhaps i drank to much.

anyway, i'm skipping alot of the weirdness and detials. i was just interupted by a phone call, a response to my resume (woo whooo). so the game ends in the big surprise ending and it sticks in my head that she said she lives near me and walked to the bar. well, not to the bar..she's a food runner at coachs and came to this bar when she got off work since coaches was way to crowded. so it dawns on me that it's cold and she has to walk, so i offer her a lift home. see, i can be a nice guy. she accepts and off we go.

now get your mind out of the gutter, she's a lesbian and while i'm sure a kraven can 'fix' a girl of that little problem, i was tired enough not to want to bother. in other words, there was no hint or anything of anything going to happen.

the conversation continues as i drive and stop in her lot. we talked for about a half hour in the parking lot and it dawns on me that either she or i is very, very and perhaps both of us are for i've said the exact same thing five or six times pretty much in a row. this goes back to the real weirdness that we were talking about, but i'll let you wonder what it was..and no, it wasn't that, not even close.

so anyway, she finally got out and that pretty much wrapped up my evening.

ok, i'll tell you what the big secret conversation was about, she thinks, for a variety of reasons, that she actaully met and hooked up with a famous singer lady.

hrm, actaully i've lost me steam on reporting all this.

i was in this really funky mood this morning. the whole perspective thing.

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
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