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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

vacation day 4
2001-11-29 - 7:55 pm

vacation day 4

i got out of bed at around ten today and went off to the dentist. this was my frist vist to this dentist since my last one stopped taking my insurance. i actually put some thought into which dentist i wanted. i remembered the last dentist i had when back when i was living in pittsburgh. he was a great guy. he was a huge bear of an italian man. everyone liked going to him except he had fat fingers. so he was always trying to stretch you're mouth wider and wider to get at things.

so i decided to go with a female dentist, hoping she'd have good size fingers to fit in my mouth. the last dentist i had here was a youngish guy and for whatever reason i liked that. so i found the youngest female dentist in the plan and went with that. seems like a reasonable way to decide things, no?

it was a freakin' nightmare. everyone who worked didn't speak english as a first/natural language. the place is in the mall, which to me was another bad sign. i dunno why, but dentists shouldn't be in malls. i sat down in the chair and she (the dentist) came in. not to many words were discussed before she started 'exploring' my mouth. i felt like a horse at an auction. it took about three minutes for her to decide my teeth were perfect, but for alittle cleaning. no pick and probing...no cleaning by the hygentist and then looked at by the dentist. next she pulled out this 'sonic' pick thing.

i don't recall anyone ever using it before. it's that metal pick they use, but 'sonic' style, which i gather makes it vibrate or something to get rid of plaque. i know it hurts. i know she spent more time on my gums with that damn thing than i would have liked.

on the plus side, she had a russian accent. i like accents. i think most people do, something about hearing everyday words said differently. it's pleasant.

then i was off, bleeding gums and all, back to the city for my indepth eye exam and to finalize this surgery thing. i'm still not positive i'm going to do it, but all i need to do now is set the final, ie the surgery, appointment.

my eyes are all screwed up right now. part of what they do is give you drops to relax some of the muscles. i dunno why exactly, but they do. it's been like 5 hours and i'm just now being able to focus on 'near' things. i could see far/middle fine, but if i tried to read something...forget about it. it was odd.

lets see..what else?

oh yes, my favorite quote of the day: "He linked me! WTF?! Well, I guess SOMEBODY's gotta feel this. And he even seems pretty cool." haha, that made me laugh...in a good way. i think it is cool when someone links you.

that's all. i'm tired. my eyes are funky.

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

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