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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

...ruby red and old friends...
2001-01-02 - 00:34:26

Ruby Red Grapefruit juice is good.

Sorry, had to share that tidbit. Anyways, I�ve been thinking about what else I should say about me on here. I decided on �Pet Peeves.�

* People who whine about things they can�t change. I�ve got no problem if you make your feelings known on something, but to keep harping and complaining just kills me. Deal with it, your just spreading your misery with no gain for yourself or anyone else.

* People who in shopping markets who stop in the center of the asile and stand, motionless, staring as they try to decide what they want. It�s really very simple, move your cart to one side or the other and leave enough room for other people to pass. If you stop in the middle you just block everyone else from getting about their business.

* People who don�t call when they say they will. I�m not to sure why this one bothers me, but it always has. I can�t stand it when someone says they will call at X and then don�t. It just rubs me the wrong way. I know that things come up and I don�t make a big deal out of it unless it happens on a pretty normal basis. I just find it ungodly rude.

* Being late. I hate being late. All my clocks are set ahead, though no two are set ahead the same time. I don�t like waiting around for others, but I�ve long ago learned to deal with that and it hardly bothers me anymore, unless its going to make me late.

* Ebonics. If your going to speak a language, then learn to speak it right. Sorry, I don�t buy that ebonics is its own language.

* Getting blamed for things I didn�t do or couldn�t control. This is clearly a by-product of my job. It�s the one thing I can�t stand about what I do. A screw-up by UPS or Fedx or the warehouse is, in my customers eyes, my fault. To a degree they are right. It is my order and I am responsible. It just grates me that I deal with this everyday.

I can�t really think of anything else, but I�m sure I have one or two more. Is that a lot of pet peeves to have? I think in general I�m a pretty easy going kinda guy who doesn�t have to many firm/hard-set ideas. That�s always been an issue, though I never understood why, in my relationships. There will be a choice or three for us to pick from and she�ll ask me which do I prefer and nine times outta ten I can honestly say, �I�m fine with any of them.� This always seems to lead to stress. I don�t think it should, I�m cool with what she wants to do. If I don�t want to, I will speak up and say so, otherwise, pick what you like and enjoy.

What else, what else�Oh I know. I guess this belongs in here. It was kinda a big thing today. I sent an email off to an x of mine today, H. I can�t recall if I�ve spoken of her before or not. In my first page, I spoke of coming back from a long trip. Well she was one of three people I went to see on that trip. The first person, or rather group of people was my family, the second was J and the last was H. It was at H�s house I stayed for four nights before I came home. We first dated in our senior year of high school. Things ended when we went off to different schools. After the first year of college I transferred schools and ended up about 20 minutes south of where H went. It was about the middle of that year that I finally got around to looking her up. We started off as friends again and shortly after that she dumped her bf and we started dating again. Off and on we dated for the next three years. Though the last year was mostly off. We musta broke up five or six times and got back together. Always over stupid things that seemed to build up. After that third year, I graduated college and we lost touch again. We wernt really on speaking terms my last semester. After being in the real world a moving once or twice, I decided to look her up again. We started talking again, slowly at first, about pointless things. After a bit we got into some of our past issues and settled a lot of things. It was pretty nice. I came here and we started talking more and more. We both knew we�d never go out again, there was just to much past history. To many things said that couldn�t be unsaid, but we seemed to work out well as friends, which was cool with me. So my vaction came up and I had four nights that I didn�t have anything planned for, so off to vist her I went. It was nice, I got to meet some of the people she talked about. It was odd being in her place and sleeping in different rooms, but not odd in a bad way. I got to meet up with J for one night and watch her whoop it up swing dancing (I still say I�d kill someone if I tried that, but I do like to watch people who can). I asked H if she wanted me to leave early, it wouldn�t be a big deal at all if I did. She didn�t want me to and so I stayed the full time. We hugged and said nice things when I left. She talked about herself and a friend going to NYC for New Years and I was welcome to come. I called her when I got home and left a message that I made it home safe and sound. Then I never heard from her. I realized that all this time, it was me who looked her up and called her or emailed her. I could list, easily, the number of times in three years that she had called me, that she had emailed without it being a reply to a message of mine. So I didn�t call or email after thanking her and telling her that I got home. Today I sent an email asking what happened about New Years and why hadn�t she contacted me in weeks? It seems to me if we are really going to have a friendship, she needs to put some effort into this. I wasn�t rude, well I didn�t mean for it be rude. I hope it doesn�t come off that way, but it�s how I feel. I want friends who will call me, who will reach out to me now and then. So, now I wait for a reply.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars