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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

..New Years and food..
2001-01-01 - 23:49:36

I spent New Years in Times Square. It definitely one of the coldest and best nights I�ve spent in a long, long time. My thanks to E, though her name should be C I know she�ll understand, to inviting me down. I must admit was kinda nervious about going down and spending the evening with six people, only one of whom I knew. There�s simply to much to say about last night. I got to see �Starry Night� by Vincent van Gogh. I really like and I think I�m going to have to buy it to go with my copy of �Scream� by Munch. I don�t think I�ve ever walked so much in one day before. Subways are great. I�ve really ridden on a subway system before, but I loved it. I think I�m going to buy a camera. There were so many scenes that would have made perfect shots and photography will make a good hobby. I do admit to being inspired in these thoughts by one of E�s friends. I�ve also never stood for so long. We left to go to Times Square at about 8pm. We ended up getting as close as 52nd street, which I gather is about 10 blocks back from all the happenings. If you don�t know, the police block all the people off into �pens� just like cattle. We were in Pen 701. Each pen is about one block, they keep the cross streets clear so police can manage the people and get to �trouble� spots or hurt people quick. Anyway, we made it to 52nd street Id say by 8:30 or so and there we stood until midnight.

It was cold and there was not much to do. The people I was with were great. After a time the cold and lack of movement room makes you kinda crazy. The littlest thing suddenly becomes unbelievably funny. We could see the big screen in the Square and now and then they�d put up a message to cheer for your state. The abbreviations for the states would pop up one by one. For some reason PA, who were all from Pennsylvania, never came up, so we decided to cheer for NE, Nebraska, since no else cheered. It made excellent sense at the time. The police check bags, not to thoroughly, for alcohol and other �banned� substances. We lost one of 3 bottles of champagne, not to bad. The walk back was like a surreal journey. After standing for hours upon hours we were suddenly moving in a mob. People where still cheering, horns will still blowing, streets were blocked off and on we walked. Block after block, with clusters of police watching over us. The Cattle had broken loose from the pens and the cowboy/girls were watching us to make sure we tromped back to our home pastures. It really was surreal. I got to Grand Central about 2am and took a local train back home. This, of course is very, very condensed version of days events. There is so much to go over and think about, so many comments and conversations. So much for me, someone who seldom gets out, to learn. I am glad I went.

On another topic, thanks to Napster, I have a simply wonder song. I heard the words the first time �Stan� by Eminem came across my radio. The song starts with a woman�s voice singing softly a interesting song about her life and how just a simple call from her lover makes a horrid day turn out all right. Thanks to Napster I now have �Thank You� by Dido. This song just makes me happy and relaxed.

One thing I came to realize as I sat on the train coming home was that I was being foolish. I wanting to work out in the gym, of wanting to find a job that makes me feel good, about doing work that has meaning and about other things in my life that I want to change. I say I�m waiting for a �sign� or a source of motivation to do these things. Perhaps another day I�ll tell you story of what happened on the train to get me off into this train of thought, I�m far to tired now. I realized that my simply saying I wanted to do these things should be reason, should be motivation, enough to do them. If by saying I want to do X, I don�t make the effort to do X., then I don�t really want to do X, do I?

Food for thought. Now I am off to sleep for 12 hours and wake up bright eyed and busy-tailed for work.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars