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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

Kraven, the irked
September 11, 2008 - 5:46 pm

I'm officially grumpy today.

Started off in quite the good mood.. even had some fun at work. Though.. by the end of the day the person I was joking around with screwed me.

All I needed was a simple report.. a list of zip codes really. She kept saying I'll get it to you this afternoon. So at 4pm I called her and went straight to v-mail.

I cursed.

I walked over to her desk.. and her laptop was gone.

I had promised the report to a client and now it looked like I was going to break that promise.

Very little irks me more than that.

I scrambled a bit.. a message here.. and there. I called the guy who works under her to see if she had, by chance, left it for him to finish.

She hadn't.

He asked, "That's all you need? just that one list?"

"Yes and, I fear, I need it this afternoon..." My voice trailing off as I waited for him to say it would take x number of hours to generate.

"Ok. I'll send it over in a minute."

Confused, "You mean you have a copy handy from some other request?"

"No, I just need to pull it from Access and dump it into Excel."

In, quite literally, five minutes I had the email. In seven minutes it was off to the client. Promise kept.

Annoyance at an all time high. If it was literally a five minute jobbie, why piss around all day and make it seem like a big deal?

In our fooling around, I was the one on her shit list. Well, I thought it was just joking. We were both laughing and smiling.

She's truly on my shit list. Not only did she screw me by not running it.. she was, it seems, just being a lazy bizatch about doing it. A fucking Access query and export to Excel -- which, in all honesty, I thought is all it would take when I sent her the request at 1pm yesterday.

Yeah... so she pissed on me for some 12 business hours instead of just knocking out my five minute query.


Couple that with these bastards... who don't seem to get the point that you should respond to emails/vmails in a timeframe faster than 4 business days.. and when you do, your replies should be clear and meaningful -- especially if you are going to take 4 fucking days.

And when you attend a conference call with five other people... you should damn well read what the call is about so you don't waste our time with your "first blush" thoughts.. only to change your mind on every item when you send the follow-up email the next day.

Am I perfect? Hells no. I don't mean to act like I am.

That's no my point. Mistakes sure. Everybody makes those... but in both cases it's people intentionally not doing what they are paid to do.

That's just not tolerable.

(this way) / (that way)

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Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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