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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

Cat after all?
January 17, 2007 - 6:21 am

I can see -- well, not that I was blind before.. but I can see much better than before. Better than I've been able to for years. I think I wore glasses since I was around 12. That's a lot of years.

I had Lasik done the other day. I meant to post then.. to talk about it, to log the experience. I didn't. I meant to post the following day.. but I didn't.

I'm not sure why. Perhaps part of me is finally starting to feel that I don't need to share some things. Perhaps I only want to share the "bad" things, the whiny things. Misery loves to share.

I've a couch and chair now. My apartmetn feels cramped.

I've joined Netflix, though I'm not quite on schedule with my grand dream of getting a new movie sent to me every day. I need to stagger my returns and that doesn't seem to be happening.

I haven't bought a place yet, but I will. That's just a matter of time and finance.

Why do I do these things? At some point each was just.. a sliver of thought, something I dreamed up to tell people I was thinking of doing. A way to have a bit of small talk that wasn't about the weather. A way to say, "Hey look, sure I'm way behind doing these things, but I'm doing them."

Once I say it enough times.. it gets into my head and I start to do it. A step here a step there.. after all, you can't talk about doing this or getting that forever. People will ask, from time to time, how did something turn out? Either you can lie or have something on file to tell them. That you're inprogress or whatever. Though, you can't be in that state for too long and so.. sooner or later you must say you decided not to or actually have done it.

Am I happy with my eyes? I think so. It's still far too early tell the final outcome. The day after I was 20/20 and 20/25. Not to shabby. Heck, I stood up from the table and could read a clock I never could have read before.

Sure, a few hours of misery followed once I was home, but so be it. I got to lounge on my new couch. That's what couches are for.

They get dry.. and a bit itchy from time to time as eyes that have recently be cut and blasted with lasers are want to do. I have drops. Drops that sooth that, but oddly make my vision blurry for a minute or ten.

I spend a lot of time trying to recall what this or that looked like before - both with and without my glasses. Is my vision better than with glasses? The same if not better I think. Did lights at night always look like that or do I have some of the halo/starburst thing going on? I'm sure I've some of that.. but again, the cut, the flap, is only a few days old and not fully healed. It's said that can take three months.

I'm left to wonder, if I have this halo/burst thing at night.. will I care? Is it that bad? Do I make it worse than it is? I've no idea. They told me to avoid driving at night for a bit, so I have.

I had to go to the store the other day and buy sun glasses. I've never bought sun glasses before. I've had clipons for glasses and perhaps even a pair of prescription sun glasses. but you get those from the glasses store. I've seen sun glass stores in the mall. I didn't go there. I've seen them in pharmacies. That's what I want.. a pair of cheap sun glasses. Me and ZZ Top.

I wake up and reach for my glasses, which aren't on the night stand anymore. I've not put them on since. I've thought about it.. to see how blurry my vision would be. Perhaps one day I will or perhaps I don't really care.

No one at work has noticed yet. I'm not surprised by this. A bit disappointed, but not surprised.

I went into the bathroom yesterday to look at my eyes in the mirror -- the one felt overly unhappy. I leaned against teh counter to get a better look. Everything looked fine. I leaned back and swore, "son of a bitch".

I forgot the counter is a nightmare at work. It's _always_ wet. The design is fucking stupid. Always wet. I had now had a huge line wetness across the crotch of my pants. What to do? Step into a stall and try to dry my pants. Press the wetness with toilet paper.. rub with hands to heat and dry.

You can't do that when someone else is in the bathroom. What would they think of all that noise?

It didn't take as along as I thought to dry. Not cotton pants, which was very good for me.

Anyway. It's late. I'm hungry. I need to get dressed and go.

It's the new year.. and I've already gotten my eyes hacked and upgraded.. and I've gotten a new couch.

What am I going to talk about this year? Perhaps I will get a cat after all....

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

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