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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

a nice problem to have
August 18, 2006 - 6:01 pm

my tag line in the profile was once "curiouser and curiouser" - a nod to alice in wonderland.. a place i oftern debate i could well be living in.

yes, i know.. that's an ackward sentence. i best do something grammatically correct, that i never do, to make up for it: i think i might buy some more work clothes today.

i always (well nearly so) type clothes as cloths. see. i'm learning.

anyway. anywho. anyroad.

my mind is a flutter.. i'm dazed. i am confused. i am.. in the process of making a huge choice. as most huge choices are, it's not a simple one.. but this is made complex thru possible political ramifications at work.

the situation, as neatly summed as possible, is this: i was hired to be A at the end of trainig. it's been realized that this doesn't make much sense and B would be a better fit (hence some of my recent posts). in reality, C is also an option. both B and C and lead to A - C more directly than B.

this is like a geometric word problem from hell, no? now class tell me, if a i choose B how much will i make compared to C and in relation to A over the next three years -- and, i say and, how will that money relate to my underlying happiness and overall personal well being?

got the answer, good.. now email it to me. yes, the link is over on the left.

you get an inkling of my situation.. now for bonus points, mix in that some folks (and by some folks i mean high level managers) feel that C is the best (and should be only) choice... while others feel B is best, but a choice should be given to me who must live with the choice.

on one hand i'm flattered my opinion is so highly valued in this sitiation.. that the choice is indeed mine to make. i can get as much info/counseling as needed.. but it's my call.

both B and C have different geographic locations.. so that also factors into the mix.

to futher complicate issues, again on the political side, the person who feels it should be C and only see.. told me it was to be C today and where i'd be living -- presenting this as _not_ a choice a done deal. C's boss then called to say.. no no, you get to choose, but "wink wink" i like the idea of B best.

keep in mind, regardles of B or C, i could well be working for the person who likes C best.. and i'd be on a shitlist of sorts for picking B if I end up under this person..

need a recap? you do? really? read it again. i ain't typing it all over.

so.. the clock is ticking.. dominos are falling.. and choices need to be made. what's the timeframe? i'm not sure, but it's a good while. this isn't decide this weekend kinda stuff.. it's middle-term kinda stuff.

i'd go into the pros and cons of B and C, but well.. that'd drive you insane.. as very little would make sense.

i should try to reconstruct this argument in my head using "former" and "latter". you head would explode from that.. as i've never ever managed to keep the idea of which is the former and which is the latter in my head.

anyway. i know all the details of C - position, location and manager. i don't know all the details of B, i do know position.. but not location or manager.

oh, right.. compensation.. B makes less than C, but B's money is far more stable than C. B leads to an easier transition to D (hereto untalked about) which makes the most money of all.. and something i'd probably not want to do. B also leads to A or just about any where. some folks seem to think C leads anywhere, but not so easily to A.

wow, scartch that whole last paragraph... that doesn't matter much. B and C both make enough money for me to be happy... so i need to do this without that. i've done jobs and made good money but been miserable.

step 1, i think, is to try and press for the location/manager information.

i'm still kinda boggled i can really pick both.. at least, it seems i can right now.

a side and smaller complication is that there's another fella in the exact same boat as me.. does it matter if we choose different roles? i know it doesn't. would i compare myself to him regardless.. yes, of course. will i let this color my thoughts? i hope not.

if you were me, and understood all this, what would you do? probably be so happy to have a nice problem such as this to ponder... no?

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars