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shows i watch
April 16, 2006 - 11:36 am

tv shows i like:

hustle -- why on earth this show is on AMC (american movie classics) is beyond me. it's neither a movie, nor a classic (yet).. and it's co-produced with the bbc.. so it's not even really american. regardless, i like it. basically, it's a show about intricate cons -- usually long cons. i'm not sure they are really long cons as each one wraps up in one episode.. but still, it's good stuff. what i like is there's usually one or two twists in the con that they don't let you in on until the end, so it's sort of fun to try and guess what the twist will be.

lost -- yeah, a popular choice, but still a good show. well, at least it started out as a good show. i'm a getting a bit torn about it. the makers have said it's not purgatory and that everything has some sort of "plausable" explaination -- that is, it's based on some sort of legit science. as more and more goes on, i'm finding this less and less likely.. and the "truth" being it's some sort of dream or purgatory or something like that just isn't a satisfying answer. again, the fun of the show is trying ot figure out what's going on. there's some interesting characters in the show as well -- namely fake henry. an added semi-bonus are the various lost forums... if you ever think you have too much free time on your hand or think up crazy ideas, drop by the forums for a reality check. though, i'm not quite sure just how long this can go on before it gets.. well, silly.

surivorman -- interesting show where the one and only guy in it is dropped off in some remote spot and has to live for a week. the poor bastard has about 55lbs of camera gear he lugs around and films his exploits. i'm quite sold he's out there alone, but i'll take his word for it. if i'm ever lost in some remote spot.. there's a chance, however slim, i might recall something that'd actaully be helpful.

digging for the truth -- archeologist goes about to various places and well, "digs" for the truth. one of the better such shows i've stumble across. he seems to get 'more' into the subject and showing thing than most.

prison break -- sort of like lost.. in that i'm not sure how long it can go on before it gets overly silly. i got into it originally because the premise seems interesting.. a wrongly accused guy is on death row and his brother gets arrested with the intent of breaking him out from the inside..

dr who -- the newest show i've started watching. i never saw any of the originals (that i can recall) but always heard it was a cult classic. heard mixed things about the show.. but caught the first episode and liked the doctor character alot, so i stated watching it. i also like the accents.. and that the show really has somewhat limitless options. though... the last epside with the introduction of the daleks.. i thought was really, really bad. i might sour on this show quickly.

dirty jobs -- i just love mike rowe. i actaully haven't seen this in a while.. . i'm thinking it's out of new episodes. but i'll watch it whenever i catch it.

good eats -- easily my favorite cooking show. i think i've seen them all, but hopefully new ones are being made. perhaps one day i'll even try to cook with something i've learned from it!

stargate -- both of them. mostly i watch them.. 'cause i don't have to change the channel on fridays. i can't say i really like them.. it's just a convience thing.

scrubs -- probably the funniest show i've seen in ages. i wished i'd started watching it from the start.

hrm. that's all i can think of at the moment. 10 shows.. fancy that, i guess it's all i can keep in my head at one time.

(this way) / (that way)

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