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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

holiday tidbits
December 27, 2005 - 12:32 pm

warning: the following.. contains no rhyme or reason, merely a purging of various things from the last four/five days.

my parents have a nice apartment. it's weird going there instead of "home". must be weirder for them.. after 38 years in the house they built to live in an apartment. i know my dad hates it, but he's got no choice in the matter.

went to the house to check on things. bizarre seeing it all empty. the rooms.. the carpet.. the marks on the walls and ceiling. a million stories everywhere.. and soon (hopefully) to be someone else's. i wonder how they will remodel.

i like driving. i like the time to think up stories. i like the time to ponder and tell myself a fantasy or two.

i dislike drivers who can't seem to understand how traffic works. you know, the sort who ride your ass even though you're going eighty and at the end of a four or five car chain the fast lane. i guess they thinking tailgating the last car will make the first car go faster. then, after tailgating at eighty for a minute or two, they jerk the wheel to the slow lane and floor it.. never mind that a scant 100 yards ahead is a slow car and they've no chance of passing the chain in the fast line. still, they go right up the ass of the slow car.. and tailgate some more. meanwhile, the fast lane chain passes one after another.. and they are forced to get back in line several spaces behind where they started.

i doubt that's clear.. too bad.

my father can't stand up so good anymore and so has a booster seat for the toilet. my neice, who's in the process of getting potty trained, saw his raised toilet seat and was shocked at how high it was. all she could say was "big potty!" then she ran from the room to find grandpa and tell him with a smile (pride on her face?) that grandpa has a big potty. clearly, she was impressed.

i've spent far too much time going with the flow. it's how i've muddle along in life. i take whatever is offered -- case in point, i'm back in CT in a job a quit years ago cause i hated it. why did i come back? it was the best offer at the time... so i took it.

some cash in beats no cash in.

i'm an odd mix of being a romantic, an idealist and a realist. fucking maddening at times. no matter which way i go, i seem to run afoul of one of those three things.. either it doesn't fit my "romantic" idea of what i should be doing.. it goes against some idealist principle or thought of mine.. or it's just not a realistic option.

however, yes, i dare say it, however, i think i've got an option that satisfies all three.

last night in a converstation, i said i was looking to run away from things. that's not quite right. there's quite a bit in our western (american) society i don't agree with.. that doesn't sit right with me. i said i was looking to run away from that. that's not right, i'm not looking to run away, i'm looking for options that sit well with me.. options that let me live a life i like.

part of that is rejecting/lamenting various facets our way of life... the focus on money over family.. of two parents working.. of staying home with kids as less valuable, less fullfiling than working.. of being entertained by violence.. of making sex taboo.

i can watch tv any day of the week and see someone murder someone else.. most of the leading shows on tv are crime dramas with death as a focal point.. and of course, catching the killer in an hour. one nipple slip and it's a big ass fine.. i forget how much.

why is it acceptable to show a man strangle a woman, but not to show a nipple?

really.. which is more offensive?

i realize i'm in the minority on this, that our way of life is perfectly acceptable to the majority.. be that thay they actaully like it or never gave it a second thought doesn't matter.

i think i asked this before, but in that macdonalds commercail where the gal is telling the guy that woman are like a sandwich.. and once the sandwhich (the gal) is gone, what's he going to do..? what's the answer she's looking for? he says get another sandwich.. but she's like no, let's try this again.

i dislike the bastardization of prounouns. by this i mean, the misuse of them.. as in a news show i watched the other night. there were three females on to discuss an issue. the lead woman said, "ok guys, let's get started." this irks me. a petpeeve.. a silly one at that. no one on the show was male.. why isn't "ok gals, let's get started." acceptable?

this happpens alot, male prounouns are used in a generic or wrong way.

everyone has pet peeeves right? my mom hates it when people pile trash bags by the dumpster. drives her insane.

i just happen to think using words as accurately as possible is good.

no need to point out all the gramatical errors in my posts.. while i'd like to hear what i'm doing wrong, i doubt i'll go back and fix anything. i'd start redoing everything.

i have an itch to do something meaningful.

i do think oysters are an aphrodisiac of sorts.

i don't get all the hoopla about "merry christmas" vs "happy holidays". both should be perfectly acceptable.. depending upon your religious beliefs. i find it kinda hypocritical that so many christians get pissed about it.. isn't christianity a religion about tolerance?

for once i found myself agreeing with the pope.. xmass has become far, far to commercialized.. far too much about buying/giving things. the meaning of the holiday is largely lost.

the pope, any pope, and i tend not to see eye-to-eye on many things, but on this we agree.

did you ever want someone to be a positive influence in your life so badly.. you glossed over all the non-postive things they brought? blinders i suppose. hrm, no.. that's far to simplistic.

mmm.. stop loss orders are good for stock. i hope everyone goes out and buys a Sirius satilite radio. heck, buy two or three -- they are little.

credit card companies and their "automated" phone services are suckie. perhaps one day i'll like talking to machine, but not so much right now.

i think i'm finally ready to start to really focus on the things i like.. not so much just going with the flow. it's probably something silly to most of you.. but to me.. it's a daunting thing. something i never learned to do.

how sad is that?

frustration and annoyance to ensue no doubt. fun, fun.

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars