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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

work and isreal
August 06, 2005 - 10:08 am

i was ready for my conversation yesterday. my boss's car wasn't in the parking lot. he wasn't to be in the office -- a vacation day. postponed for monday i guess.

i had a weirdish semi-dream that i'd get promoted and run the boston office. in my semi-dream i liked the idea. fully awake, i'm full of doubt about if i could do it.

the fact remains -- a change is needed.

firefly is back on tv, on scifi. this makes me happy. too bad farscape is gone.

yeah, i like those kinds of shows. i wasn't sure why until last night.. when a thought occured to me. i used to watch CSI, law and order, NYPD blue and the like.. but not anymore. why not? why do i want to sit and watch all the violence and death?

sure there's some of that in my little scifi shows, but it's not the point of the shows. the crime dramas are all about how brutal people are to each other. they entertain us by death and violence.. under the guise of "we always get the crook" and "justice will be done".

the moral highhandedness (is that a word?) of the shows really started to bother me.. esp the csi in miami. that H guy is an asshole who plays god. i wish i remembered more details of the show, but in one episode the nanny of some rich kid kidnapped the kid. the mom never paid any attention to the kid.. and they nanny was trying (i think) to get the kid into some kind of healthy loving family. i'm sure i'm missing details.. but in the end H decides what the nanny did was wrong, but she did it for the right reason.. so he lets her go.


i'll still watch the vegas one from time to time. that one seems far less judgemental about people. though i wish they'd not always solve all the crimes in an hour. kinda laughable that they do. they need a crime or two to last the whole season to sort out the evidence. people, real people, are actually starting to belive that csi is how it works in the real world, and it doesn't. mucking up real life court cases where people expect the evidence to neatly and totally tie up whoever and that's just not the case.

i guess in a way that's good.. a little more error on the side of finding people innocent is better than erroring and finding people guilty.

interesting.. on fark (www.fark.com) i've gotten drawn into a discussion about isreal. the focus is more on the idea 'was it a good idea to have created isreal?'

some folks say.. good or bad, it should have been done since the jews have the historic claim to the land. it was theirs for thousands of years and after all that has been done to jewish folk (see wwii) they deserve to have their holyland back.

first blush.. ok. i can sort of understand that.. but then, by the same logic.. doesn't that mean ALL of north and south america should go back to the various native american tribes? it can easily be argued that genocide was practiced against them.. their land was indeed taken by force.. reservations are like concentration camps -- and soldiers did give the native americans (at least in the US) diseased blankets (biochemical warefare) to help kill them off all peaceful-like.

i'm not anti-jewish.. i think find the idea that creation (or re-creation) of isreal a rather silly idea. at some point in history the jews lost the land.. and well, that is how human life goes.

i'm not saying it's right or fair. i'm saying it's reality. right and fair need not apply.

in fact, i can see an argument that all the violence that's occured in isreal.. all the deaths there are the fault of the folks who created isreal.

if you get pissed about american soldiers being in iraq and them being killed for being there.. and think the americans need to pull out asap -- then i wonder how you feel about isreal.

'tis a wonderfully complex thing to talk about.. and i don't pretend to know any of the right answers. i'm just saying.. by the same logic, i should be looking for a new home.. i've no idea where though.. no idea where i'd be accepted.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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