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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

a visit home
March 08, 2005 - 4:14 pm

i am in pa, visiting the folks.

they are prepare, albeit slowly, to move out of the house. quite literaly it is "their" house. they built it some fourty-ish years ago. raised two kids and all the rest.

it's kind of odd to think of them not living here. however, the time has come. as i've mentioned from time to time, my father is in poorish health. he can still walk around, but steps are getting to be too much. even one step can be a taxing event.

they are looking at various apartments. when looking for a place with no steps.. it's kinda amazing how many places have atleast one step to get in/out of. or the lobby has some.. or whatever.

mix in that they own a dog, a medium sized mutt, and want to keep her.. and finding a place that meets all the other variables is quite hard to do.

personally, i don't think the dog will be happy in an apartment building. she loves to go in and out.. and in the building she'll have to be a leash. quite the hassle for my mom to take her out for the bathroom. i'd vote getting rid of the dog.. but my mom likes her. my father doesn't talk much anymore, which is very different for him. he never used to shutup.

in a detached way, i can say my father is already dead. my mother is living either with a stranger or a walking-dead man. either way, it's pretty shitty for her.

i spent a good deal of time cleaning things up in the garage. this house.. is fucked up to say the least. no, not fucked up, but it's hard to explain. lots of work must be done before anyone would want to buy it.

without a doubt, i can say i never ever want to be in fathers position. i never want to lose as much as he has lost. like i said, he's not the same person and my mom is stuck with him.

i don't care how shitty you, dear reader, may think it sounds.. but i know she'd miss him, but she'd be better off with him gone.

anyway. i'll get to report various things to my brother upon return to va.

i had something else to say.. but now doesn't seem like the time to go into that.

(this way) / (that way)

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