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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

weird behavior
March 03, 2005 - 10:28 am

if the horsemen of the apocalypse are real, their mighty steeds are pawing at the ground.

you see, i've just gotten off the phone with someone i never expected to talk to again - indeed, someone i never wanted to talk to again. the reasoning there is a bit of a story.. but the short-short version is that she was a friend in the mba program.. until i (and a few others) realized she was really friendly with folks because she was using them to help her through school. she'd manipulate groups and sitations to her advantage, while being all nice and smiley..

anyway, her shit got old real quick with me and one day i told her off pretty freaking good. and i enjoyed doing it.

anyway. she just called me.. perhaps the second time we've talked since i told her off.

she was all nice and lovey on the phone, so i knew she wanted something.. but i couldn't figure what. she has a bf who's wrapped around her finger and only too happy to jump when she snaps (though, i rather like him when he's not with her.. and generally feel bad for him, but as long as he's happy..)

she wanted to know if i was "alive" and what "i'd been up to" and "when were we going to have lunch?"

all very, very odd. esp since she's the kinda person who once you piss her off (or go off on her) there ain't no getting back in her good graces.. or so i thought.

so i tell her the days i work.. sort of thinking either she has something to ask me and it must be a big ass something for her to be asking.. or she wants to do something for me to try and "kiss and make up".

i tell her i work tuesday, wednesday and friday. so right off she says let's have lunch on wednesday. i say i can't, i work. so she says how about tuesday? i'm about to say how fucking stupid are you? i don't. i say, you don't listen very well, i work tuesday, wed and friday.

she laughs abit and goes, ok.. how about friday? i'm kidding! thursday will work.

now the whole time she's talking all sweet and lovey and i'm trying to sort out what the hell is going on.

then she says, do you mind if someone comes with?

yes, she's the kind of person who leaves off the "with" and she does indeed say "score" when something good happens.. like me agreeing to the lunch. score really bothers me.

now, i just know either this someone is her boss (she just started a new job) or she's playing matchmaker. to be honest, either one is fine with me. if it's her boss, this is about a job. if it's a friend, she's playing matchmaker. i'd like both: a job and/or a gf.

so in response to her asking if it's if someone else comes along, i just ask: are you playing match maker?

she get's all sweet, yes. i am.

it seems she works with a girl.. she's decided would be a match for me. interesting. i've seen her match up folks pretty well before... must be something to do with her ability to judge how to best manipulate people.

the downside of all this.. is i might have to pretend i like her for a lunch. the biggest downside is she could well worm her way into being friends again. which might not be all that bad.. until she says "score" one too many times.

so while the horsemen arn't charging.. hell is indeed getting a tad cooler.

(this way) / (that way)

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