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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

being annoyed
September 17, 2004 - 8:28 pm

*sigh* the poll data to the right.. is well, probably worthless. this was pointed out on the very site that houses the electoral vote info. the problem is that to do a poll, people are called. pollsters don't call cell phones.. so anyone (like myself) who doesn't have a landline phone doesn't get called - ever.

this means the poll sample isn't accurate and therefore, the polls inherently flawed. they could well prove to be right, but you can't give the same pre-result credence to polls.

in other news, i have (had?) this friend.. who i've known since high school. she and i have quite a bit of history.. and in a way, it's that history that's the issue.

she's one of those unreliable people. someone who makes a commitment to do something, but then doesn't a good portion of the time.

i last saw her in june and i left, by accident, a letter i thought i really, really needed. she promised to mail it to me the next day.. and then several times after that. to date, i still don't have it. i've heard her say it's right next to the door, stamped and ready to go.. but no go.

it turns out i don't need the letter, so it's not a big deal.. but i'm horribly irked at her lack of sending me, her supposed friend, something i asked her to send. a few days is one thing, a few months is another.

since before i left the letter with her, she's been out of work. at first, it wasn't a big deal.. savings and all. however, that situation has changed and she's now pretty much flat broke. just over a week ago, i found out a company i used to work for is hiring and that's the area she lives in. so i tell her about roughly a week ago.

it pays exactly the amount she's hoping to make. i'm on good terms with the company, so i feel my recommendation would at least get her an interview and some goodwill.

she says she will redo her resume (why it wasn't already done, i don't know) and have a friend there read it and have it sent to me in about two days. since i told her about on a friday (or was it saturday?) two days is really only one working day (monday).

to date, i have no resume. i doubt she's done a damn thing with it.

i feel like a tool. i talked to the company to get the fax/address so she could fax or drop off the resume and now.. no resume is being dropped or faxed.

toss in a book that is mine another friend has who lives near her.. she got the book from the friend, that took a month despite the fact they see each other pretty much daily. in fact, i asked her to send the aforementioned letter with the book.. so it's been MONTHS for items..

anyway. i'm now feeling.. how can i recommend her for a job? sure she's someone i've known for years, but can i really say she'd do a good job? no.. i can't.

i told her today i was pretty much annoyed and irked at getting blown off so damn much.

as usual, she had a sob story about things.. at least the book, she's too broke to mail it. of course, she hasn't sent me the resume to help remedy the book problem, so her words fall on deaf ears.

perhaps i'm just a dick.

if i am, i'm ok with that.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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