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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

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spinning things
August 23, 2004 - 8:50 am

perhaps i'm way, way, way wrong.. but i'm getting this feeling that kerry might be getting ready to implode.

bob dole, a pretty respected guy when it comes to war credentials, is now harping on kerry getting three, in dole's words, "superfical wounds" and getting out of vietnam.

then there's the whole stink the kerry boys are raising about the swift boat ads and how they must be linked to bush. ironically, democrates have run some 62 million dollars worth of ads (including some comparing bush to hitler - and if you believe that's a fair comparison, you're a fanatic and, in my book, your opinion is worthless. let's not forget, kerry even said he'd have gone to war - though in a more sensitve way - based on the what was known at the start of the war) while the republicans have run under 10 million. i really doubt there's no link between the dems and some of those ads.. so pot meet kettle - and you lose points for being the one who whines about it.

atleast i've heard republicans say all those ads should be banned. i hate to stifle the free speech, but... well i don't know. it seems wrong to ban them.. however much i hate to see any of them - since they are nothing but negitive bullshite.

i want positive ads!

kerry's just made the vietnam war a major issue for him to beat his chest on. he opened the door and since it's an open party, you can't whine about what guests show up.

however, the bigger more important reason i'm thinking kerry might be in big trouble is that.. vietnam was 30 som years ago. i wasn't even born when it happened.

doesn't kerry have something...more recent, more relevant to talk about? why continue to be a one trick pony when it comes to saying i'm a better leader and point to vietnam..? he's been in congress for how many years? what's he done there? what legislation has his name? what issues has he tackled? why have i never ever heard of him before this race? what outstanding leadership did he show there?

i can name other senators who arn't from state and who havn't run for president, why didn't i know kerry?

i don't really much care what actaully happened in vietnam. that was a lifetime ago. i want to know what has he done recently. i don't hear anyone in the dem's camp saying a word about that.

in other words, i can't recall a single positive ad kerry has run. in fact, his protectionist leaning economic talk scares the shit out of me.

i can recall some positive ads bush has run.

i hear them attacking bush - let's face it.. he's basically a blithering idiot who pretty much confirms that the skull and bones folks have a shit load of power. 'tis a sad thing that he's the best the republicans could nominate last election.. but then, i suppose nominations aren't about whose best anymore.. they are about who will win.

i'm even more put off by the little stories i hear about how the dem's are struggling to keep nader out of states. this makes sense for them since nader voters are more likely to be dems.. but still. it's rather unamerican to stifle a voice in our supposed 'free elections' isn't it?

the taste is equally bad with the repubs trying to get him in to take votes from the dems.

i wish they could just let nader do his own thing and sink or swim alone.

i guess i'm just an idealist when it comes to these things.

the powers that be realized they could spin bush.. and spun him they did.

still.. the polls seem to show kerry with a small, statisticly meaningless lead on bush.. perhaps the dems will spin the ad the thing and burn bush..

sadly.. that's what our elections have come down to: nevermind the issues, who can spin things the best will win.

(this way) / (that way)

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