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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

head examined
March 19, 2004 - 11:36 pm

my presentation is tomorrow.

thankfully my partner did most of the work. personally.. i just can't seem to give a shit about it.

i think part of this is due to heath being sick.. i think i might be catching what he has.

one of the big weights on my mind.. is housing - where will i live this summer and next school year.

solution A is to move in with a friend. it's a two bedroom place across the street from campus. a decent solution with pluses including.. living with someone is probably good for me. she (yes, it'd be a purely platonic situation) would graduate in december and i'd become main lessor then.. with the lease running through june. jon should be back from denmark that spring, so he'd move in with me.

the downside is.. that she has all the furniture in the apartment, so once she moves out.. i'd have nothing, but the bed i'd need to buy this summer. jon has no furniture.

things start to look sour for this solution.

jon is also talking about staying in denmark for a whole year.. so then i'd have no set roomie and no furniture.

enough for me to say i pass.

solution B is the monarch house - a former hotel turned into a grad student and honor student dorm. pluses include one person person room, in room microwave, mini fridge.. queen sized bed. minuses include, it's a former hotel room.. so no real closet and not the biggest place. there's a common kitchen on one floor and limited laundry.

personally, i like this solution.. it will let revel in my anti-social self and it's right across the street from possible roomie in solution A, so i would have access to socializing.

solution C is to live in these apartments again. four people per room unit and two people per bedroom. a crap shoot for who i'd get as a roomie. the only plus would be if jon doesn't go to denmark, i could live with him. a big minus is my possible other two roomies.

i think.. the safest bet is to go with solution B - sadly, it's also the most expensive. it will cost me an extra $100 a month.. but that will be covered by student loans.

i need to sort this out ASAP, they are doing housing now.. and i need be penciled in where i think it's best for me to be. jon won't know his denmark stuff unitl too late.

i think i need to get my head examined.

(this way) / (that way)

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