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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

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the world is gray
March 24, 2003 - 6:21 pm

i'm tried of people purporting that their opinion in the valid view, that it's the majority view. i'm tired of reading things or hearing people say that bush is only doing what he wants, that he's a stupid cowboy etc.

sorry, but i am.

to have the opinion that attack iraq is wrong is prefectly fine to have. saying you don't like the us attacking iraq is again perfectly acceptable and opinions should be voiced.

however, that fact (if a poll can be called a fact) remains that every poll i've seen has numbers somelike like 60% of americans strongly support the actions in iraq and another 10% or so support the actions. that's a total of 70% of the people polled.

perhaps only hawks were polled, i dunno.

i've yet to see or read anything that indicates a majority of americans are against what's going on.

i think everyone is against the idea of people dying, but we don't live in a utopian world. we live in a world where war and cruelty exist. we live in a world were it sadly seems to be a part of human nature to have such things.

i spoke to someone today who said bush only waited like four months before attacking. now i'm not exactly for the war (though i'm sure that's the opinion you might have of me up to now), but i said something like it's been longer than that, this has been brewing for like 11 years. i got an astonished look, like i was crazy.

uninformed opinions, speculation really, irk me. don't listen to one friend and assume that friend is right. if you're going to feel passionate, learn the issue - BOTH sides of the issue. simply saying someone else is wrong is childish and pointless. being able to say why someone is wrong is powerful thing. i've never seen someone win an arguement, but i've seen many a person be persuaded by a discussion.

if i recall correctly something like four or five UN reslotions have been passed since iraq took over kuqwait (with pretty much no provocation) and was beaten back. atleast once the UN inspectors have been kicked out by iraq. doing a little research there's been articles about this person or that person not pleasing saddam and being killed. i don't pretend to know everything about the issue.. i don't pretend to know what's right or wrong. i know that i hate hearing about people, any person, being killed in a situation like this..

so anyway, it's no exactly as if bush just spun the globe, stuck his finger down and said 'oh look! let's go attack here!' there's some history to the situation.

did bush handle things well? i'm no where near qualified enough to judge. i can sit in my comfie chair and spout out my opinion, but i rather think my opinion would be different if happened to be living there and not here.

here's an msnb article that kinda sums up the leadership of iraq: http://msnbc.com/news/889586.asp sorry, i forget how to do hyperlinks, you can cut and paste i'm sure.

what's my point? if you're going to have an opinion on something, try to actaully learn about the topic - an informed opinion is much, much better than simple speculation. try to keep in mind that your opinion is just that - yours. try to realize that though it seems perfect obvious to you that you're right, it may well be that more people don't agree with you than do. of course, this doesn't mean you're wrong, especially in a situation like this. and last but not least, in situations like this, there really isn't a 'right' or 'wrong' answers..

the world is gray, not black and white.

(this way) / (that way)

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