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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

mba - yet again.
November 04, 2002 - 5:57 pm

yeah so get this.

today was pretty odd. i'm not sure where to start. i now have 70 pounds of sand in my trunk. like a dork i thought i could tell that my car rode different with it in the trunk. as if 70lbs would make a huge difference, that's not even the weight of one adult.

the sand is for the upcoming winter. yeah, so i used to be a boy scout.

i actaully left to have lunch today. i went to taco bell. those spiffy steak taco things they advertize the hell out of arn't so spiffy in my humble opinion.

i came back from lunch and my caller id was flashing. nothing to odd in that. well, that i got a call is kinda odd. work has been slow. anyways. the name on the caller idea about made me poop my pants. i got a call from the one school i applied to for my mba. they called me at work. thankful that my office mate was out, i called back...just waiting for my office mate to come back. she didn't.

it turns out that i got accepted, well re-accepted really. i applied there like a three years go. this is my plan b school. so it's nice to know that my plan b is a go. i talked to her in hushed typed tones, talking around some questions she asked. i wonder if she thought i was a freak.

see, if i go to MBA school, that means i'm quiting work here.

she said the only thing she'd like to see is my updated resume, which i already sent them, but i sent it again. i also asked her a few questions and included a little blurb at the bottom asking her to call me on my cell going forward.

of course this means my fucking car is an even bigger problem. i need to dump this freaking lease. i can't though. you know, contracts at all. i went to my local chevy guy again and had him run some numbers about getting a low cost car and adding in the buyout amount. the numbers aren't quit there yet. perhaps by the time mba school starts they will be. i emailed saturn too. saturn loves customers from what i hear and their cars are, considering things, inexpensive. i just need a car that runs. i don't care if for the next 60 months i'm over paying for it.

what else. there was something else.

i'm like torn in 20 different directions now. i emailed like 10 schools last night to get information on mba programs. today i get a call that i'm accepted. funky stuff. i'm so happy i wasn't there when she called with my office mate sitting next to me. damn that woulda been ackward...i mean she called with such good news and i'd be trying to get her off the phone ASAP. oh well, i think she'll understand once she sees my email.

i feel like such a sneak. actaully i feel bad. i know there are plans for me here, but the money just ain't gonna get me where i want to be. i'm treading water and i wanna swim, even if just a bit. i should be able to triple my salary with an mba, so even with the cost of it..it should be coolio.

something else happened today. i forget though. that's my news though. hrm i need to tell my parents...over thanksgiving shouild be nice. perhaps even know the financial aid situation then.

i wonder if i can get the amount to buy out my lease added to my eduational loan? i'd get some cheap ass car then..and not have to worry about things so much until i graduated. i bet i can.

(this way) / (that way)

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Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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