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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

our fearless leaders
August 05, 2002 - 4:57 pm

i just made a really good grilled cheese sandwich. well, not grilled. fryin' panned cheese. chedder cheese (or american? it's yellow), feta cheese (i love feta) and some sprinkled parm.


i do realize how much of a walking contradiction i am.

my fingers are all buttery greasy now. i'm making a horrible mess of my keyboard. i'm not worried though, my keyboard is pretty nasty. i need a new one or some way to clean this one.

it makes me wondwer where my fingers have been. or if there are faries that delight in dirtying keyboards. there probably are now.

oh current news. i find this truly ironic, but not together unexpected. the fbi wants to polygram our fearless leaders in congress about some of the leaks. the members of congress of course abhore this idea and have fled to some sort of protection granted by the constitution and the seperation of powers.

the irony of this is that these same patriotic and trustworthy leaders voted for the patriot act. one of the things people say about that act is it doesn't matter to you if you don't break any laws. it's only the bad guys that this act can hurt. sometimes i agree with this, i've nothing to hide, so snoop all you want. on the other hand i do like my privacy and since i've never done anything bad, you shouldn't be able to snoop on my just because you want to. have you ever read through the act? what about a summary? don't get fooled by it's nice name. i think the name was picked so no one would argue against it. we are a world of highlights and headlines...who wants "senator x fights patroit act"?

anyway, why shouldn't our leaders undergo lie detectors? why should they react so harshly to the idea? it's true, only the senators who leaked material that tipped off 'our' enemies and puts americans in jepoardy would get caught. yes i know they leaked the material not with the intent to hurt anyone, but for the lowly and sickening goal of gaining political power.

if you leak a half baked plan of the oppisition then they look bad. you don't even need to have your own plan, in fact it's probably best if you don't. you get to take free pot shots at something that's on a drawing board. personally, i like it that people are paid to think up plans to cover every situation they can dream up. it's called being prepared, it's called being alert.

it's no good to think up a plan once something has happened, it's too damn late. creating plans walks you through a situation and lets you see things you wouldn't have thought of before. things that can be applied to other situations.

anyway, i think it's a freakin' joke our leaders aren't willing to take the same advice they give.

i've lost track of that lawsuit about the fat guy suing fast food companies. i am going to move if he gets to court. i might move anyway. it's not that i mind government. i like the idea of them, i just tend not to like the people who gravitate to those jobs. i know i'm not qualified to do the job, so that doesn't leave me many options.

i would take the test if i was a senator though. of course i'd want the questions limited to just these leaks, no free fishing trips on my past. unless i'd leaked some documents, but why would i? that's what aids are for.

to be honest, any time i watch the political news i lose more and more interest in our government. not the ideas that set it up, but the silly childish power struggles. the concern isn't the people anymore, the concern is how long can i stay in power? the concern isn't what's best for people, but what sounds best...what can be spun the best way.

like the movie said..it was the one with steve busemi as an oil driller who gets 'drafted' with his co-workers to blow up an asteriod. steve wasn't the lead, i just like him a lot and he says something about the space shuttle have thousands of moving parts and it was built by the lowest bidder.

our government, the military..all that wasn't built by the best company, but the lowest bidder. that's my point. it sounds best to "we are going to build 'x' and we are going to do so with the least expendature of you (the peoples) tax dollars". it's a sound byte. i'd rather hear, "we chose the best plan and are going to do our damndest to keep costs down, but our first goal is to build this right the first time."

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
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we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
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