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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

the morning after
April 14, 2002 - 10:34 am

it may have a new prespective on a different day.

i'm stealing alot from songs lately huh? i like that. i used to keep a notebook that was just song lines that i liked. i like to attach special meaning to things like that.

this could be messy, but i don't seem to mind. i just wish you felt the same. nothing is worse than when two people like each other at different levels and you're the higher level. unrequited i believe it's called.

i've done the math many times. i'm confused by the math. i'm not doing something right. i know it has to do with i get paid every two weeks now and so once or twice a year we get three checks in a month. but just going off the twice a month i'm really breaking even, but on those special months i get way away. at my new job i know how much i'll get paid a week and so have it figured that way. i come ahead of my current job even with the two bedroom. i like the two bedroom. i think i like the idea of a roommate. if not, i can kick him out. it's a college town...perhaps i'll hold out for some desperate co-ed =)

i was told that when i was visting. i was asked if i was single, which i am, and was told by three women that with any luck i'd meet some nice college hottie. i doubt it. i'm no chick magnet. i tend to repell those i like and who like me.

new jersey fucking sucks. not the whole state or the people in the state, but the road system. i decided since i was driving through new jersey and they are a part of that big game lottery thing and since the jackpot is at three hundered million dollars, yes that's $300,000,000, that i should buy a ticket. did you know that most gas stations where i was in jersey don't sell tickets? did you know that if you are on a south bound highway it's next to impossible to just turn around? i'm sure if you're from the area you know how to do it, but for someone not used to the place it's a fucking nightmare. i was cranky and my eyes were killing me. i finally did buy five tickets. it's what i had in my wallet. so i now have a 5 in 76 million chance in winning. that's about 0.000000068% chance. a waste of money? probably, but then again..someone will win it eventually. my 6.8e-8% chance is as good as anyones. the drawing is on tuesday.

i think i found a moving service that is like cheap. it's almost in the range i was hoping for. i'm gonna call this guy back monday and verify the information. if's about what we estimated saturday i'm all set with that.

that would mean that from thursday night at 7pm to saturday night at 9pm, i achieved the following: drive to edinboro in about 8.5 hours, looked at many apartments, took the second member of the team i'm joining and havn't met to lunch, found an apartment i liked, gave a deposit on that unit, talked to movers who might well be affordable, drive back 8.5 hours, bought a chance to win $300 million..and uhm...hrm. i did something else. oh well, i forget. it was an action packed weekend. i'm a real e ticket ride.

i'm a tad depressed that i didn't get any emails while i was gone.

i need boxes. that's today's mission, should i choose to accept it. boxes and tape.

tomorrow is going to be painful. not looking forward to it at all.

i have a book by nietzche that i should read. i tried once and was bored out of my gord by it. i like story books, not dry books. i think i might add stranger in a strange land to my books list. it was very good.

hrm, i'll looking around my living room/kitchen...i have alot of shit to pack. i'm tired all ready.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars