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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

job...not that guy from the bible.
March 28, 2002 - 5:18 pm

i got a call last night at about 7pm. it was the company asking me to come in for an inperson invterview. they know it's like seven hours...and so i feel pretty good that unless i puke on someone i'm going to get the job. this makes me happy.

to get there in person, i told them i'd take tomorrow off and be there tomorrow...more pluses for me i think. so i told my current boss i want tomorrow off to go home for easter, which i intend to do. i'm thinking a nice saturday/sunday meal with the folks. so i'm not really fibbing, just not disclosing the full truth. not that i mind fibbing to him after today.

he did a little song and dance that he'd love to let me go, but since it was only one days notice he didn't know if he could. it took him about four hours to tell me yes. not that i really wanted his permission. his bullshit song and dance help me decide that if he didn't say yes, i'd just call in sick. what really irks me about this is like 2 years ago i cancled my vacation at a time when the office was in turmoil. no one asked me to, but i offered it up. i cancled plans and instead of enjoying myself, i stayed and worked. it seems to me that asking for a day off with only one days notice...on a day that is going to be dead slow...should be acceptable. you know the nice thing to do.

he had all sorts of this and that he wanted me to do and check on. listing out bullshit things during his song and dance. i blinked at him and spun my chair around and started surfing the internet. i'm not at all sure what it was i was supposed to have done in full.

anyway. i gotta call my folks and see what they are doing this weekend.

i have new neighbors. one is a guy and keeps doing some kinda chant yell thing. perhaps he's having sex. i dunno. i plan on moving soon.

i need to decide when to go. it's like 7 hours, possibly eight. i think i'm going to leave tonight at like 7pm and drive till midnight. that should leave me 2 or 3 hours to get there. my appointment is at 11:30, give or take since they know i'm driving and are nice people. so i can get up at 8, have breakfast and be on my merry way. well maybe up at 7. or i could go to bed down and get up at like 3 and do it all at once. make good time on deserted roads, but i'd be very wrinkled after that much time in the car. no halfway tonight. do the interview tomorrow, hopefully get offered a job, look at some places...mebbe spend the night there and see more the next day and then go to see the folks for dinner.

that's plan a.

plan b has not be dertermined yet and will be brought before the floor for voting and ratification upon it being deemed needed and so devised.

i require food.

i'll probaby drink caffinee. i hardly ever drink caffinee.

i need to pack.

i'm going to be cross if i don't get offered the job tomorrow. i'm not going to be into this we will call monday stuff. i want to walk in monday and give my notice..a nice clean 2 weeks and start planning my move.

btw, who wants to pack? who wants to come and just take things? i need to dump stuff. i don't want to move all my junk.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars