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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

lost my faith....
March 26, 2002 - 6:44 pm

i've just lost the last shreds of respect (is that the word?) i had for people.

by people i mean all of humanity.

by respect i mean...i'm not sure the word i mean. language sucks. i mean i have no desire to be labeled an american. we are becoming a mockery of what we should be. people are becoming a mockery of what we should be.

more and more i think civilization, or what we call it, is ruining us. we have to much free time. we lack strong fundamental basis to have a culture on. more and more we are becoming about money and our own inflated ideas of our own worth.

the value and strength of people comes from the group, not the one. it's rare, very rare, that there is one person who really counts. look at yourself. if didn't exist, is there somone else who could do what do you do? do you think your spouse/boyfrind/girlfriend wouldn't fall in love with someone else? did they ever say they loved someone before they met you? do you think if you died tomorrow, they wouldn't date again and even remarry? that's a limited example i know...but if you didn't exist, would the world, would humanity be any different?

we see a wrong and we sue. we want money. we want to be rich cause somone 'abused' or mistreated us. does money fix anything? sure it makes the person who gets rich not have to work. it lets them live a different life.

we arn't into what's right and what's wrong, but we are into the new american dream. the dream of who can i sue so i don't have to work.

we have become indentured servents to the culture we claim to love.

my faith is shaken, perhaps to the core.

it's too near the news for me to get a good grasp on my thoughts. i probably over stated things to start with.

my initial reaction to this news was i need to move and i mean move...as in to another country. only, where could i go where there are no people? antarica is out, i couldn't live by myself there. i'd still need some sort of contact to get food i'd need. i don't think i could live on snow.

i dunno. i'm start to ramble now.

my point is. my worst ideas about people are pretty much confirmed.

i feel like...ok, analogy time, i feel like i'm on a team that lies, cheats and steals...that acts like everything is all good and great, that they are really well meaning, but deep down...in reality they just want to win and don't really give a damn how it happens cause they can alway spin the situation to look good. i don't want to be on that team. i don't even want to watch that game, let alone play it.

yea well, it's a shitty analogy. deal with it.

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

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