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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my favorite day and some other stuff...
March 13, 2002 - 5:31 pm

do you know what today is?

besides wedensday, silly. it's probably my favorite day of the work week. screw all that 'hump' day stuff. i'm single, i don't hump, but if you'd like to...nevermind.

today is enjoyable tv day. the west wing is on. i'm told suvivor is on tonight. i never got into that show, but tonight some guy gets stung by a fish or something and the cure they have is to pee on the sting. no kidding, it's really supposed to work. now if peeing on a guy who got stung doesn't seem odd enough to me, i'm told that it's a girl who ends up peeing on him. i wonder if he peeked?

the real reason i like today is it's my good dinner day. see, i buy one frozen pizza each weekend and i eat it today. it's a margaritta pizza thingie that's very tasty.

i watched a show last night about some supposed ruins off the coast of japan. they are supposedly like 8,000 years old. that's very old. that's alot older than say the pyramids. some folks think it's a huge temple with steps and stuff, kinda pyramid shapped. did you know that there are over 400 'flood' myths around the world? pretty much every culture has a story about an ancient highly advanced civilization that get's destoyed in a flood, like atlantis. they think this place might be that place for real. the people is that people 8,000 years ago, according to the convential science, couldn't build what's there. it's underwater though and the only time it could have been built was when the oceans were lower at the ice age...hence 8,000 years ago. then the ice age ended and the oceans rose, hence the flood that killed em off.

did you know that there's some pretty interesting evidence that the sphinx is something like 8,000 to 10,000 years old? the pyramids are only about 5,000 years old (from like 3,000bc). again..the problem with this was how the heck did poeple make the sphinx 3,000 years before the pyramids? how did they have the organization and technology? the sphinx theory has to do with rain erosion, it hasn't rain on the giza for like 8 or 10 thousand years...so that's when it has to be from.

anyway, what i realized is this, we are only in 2002 after the birth of jesus. we've come a pretty darn long way in that 2,000 years. we've come an amazingly long way in the last 100 years. if someone was born in 1900 ande is now 102 years old...think of all the stuff they have seen. both world wars, medical advances, tv, phones, ect. it's kind staggering.

but we think that people were total primatives for tens of thousands of years, if not hundereds of thousands of years. why couldn't some civilization have risen way back then and been skilled with stone work? why did human evolution have to so slow then, but so fast now? why couldn't these 'advanced' techniques of building arise in a civilization and then be lost in a flood? why do poeple get offended at the concept that we (modern man) could have had ancestors who did things we can't do..when we know they did do things we cant do!

up until pretty recently we couldn't have build the pyramids or lifted the stones for stonehenge...or aligned the stones in the fields of france or carried/carved easter island...the list of things ancient uncivilized man do that we think must have been some bizzare fluke get's pretty long. what about the good old ed and the coral castle? how the hell did he do what he did??

it seems to me there's a ton of shit we don't know, even though we think we rock.

here's some links to explore: ( would do those nifty interactive links...but i forget how, but i'm sure you'll be ok.)







http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/home.html (this one is pretty commercialized soo...)


anyway...you get the idea. we arn't all that a bag of chips, we just like to think we are. what humanity really needs is a good swift smack to the back of the head to wake us up. we do some pretty nasty things to each other for some pretty silly reason that we like to think really count...

(this way) / (that way)

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