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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

car and a rant
Feb 9th, 2002 - 5:51 pm

i'm gettin old. did i say i like the new pontiac vibe? i think i did. if not, i do. i have two problems with it though, well no three problems. the first is the dealer, who is right across the street from me, doesn't have any in stock. no one will for like a month, so i can't try it. the second is it costs to damn much. the third is the name. i can't help but think of a sex toy everytime i say/think the name. i'd have not nickname my car 'the magic wand' or something. there's just something not right about driving a car that shares a name with a sex toy.

today i saw a commercial for a toyota. normally i don't pay much attention to car commercials, but i'm in the market, so i watched. it's called the toyota matrix. now matrix is a much better name than vibe, i mean i think of a great movie instead of a sex toy. i could pretend i'm all cool like samuel when i drive it. i drove past the toyota dealer today. i meant to go there and look at the car, but i drove right past. sometimes, more often than not these days, my brain farts. so i pulled into a parking lot to turn around. i realize i was the lot for my oil change place, i guess my subconscince knows more than i give it credit for. i should have changed my oil about two months ago. part of me said fuck it, this car is only mine for another month or so..and part of me said, wouldn't just be your luck that you'd turn it in dry of oil and have to pay massive wear n tear? so i did the oil and kept the recpeit.

then i drove to the toyota place. they only had 2 of the matrix cars. the one i looked was manual, which i cant drive..never learned how. but the price was right. the other came in as i was there, one family got out from the test drive and another got in to take it out. i think there was a third waiting to drive it. i guess that means it's popular. i left without driving or really talking to anyone. i resolved to go back early tomorrow, i was there at like 4:50 and figured they would be closing up soon...

i'm such a nice guy, not wanting anyone to stay late for me.

i'm definetly into car finding mode. i've been all over the net, alittle sad to see that autobytel.com is behind on both the vibe and matrix. my car insurance people kept telling me i meant the 'mr-something spyder' from toyota when i called in. so they are behind the times too. i need to get a vin number and do a quote to see what kinda insurance damage this bad-boy would do to me. it should be less than my current car.

i need to talk to them to see if i am going to buy or lease. i think buy. i dunno, maybe lease. then there's the whole once i drop off my current car, how do i get to my new car? the good news here is that the toyota place is about a mile from my house and so a mile from the pontiac place. i can walk that. the pontiac guys say i just drop off the car when i'm done and give them the keys. i talked with them last night. the vibe cost like 4K more though and i know toyota cars run forever and ever.

i went through all my cards/accounts online today. i'm gonna consolidate some things and try to get better rates on some cards. i'm still very worried about the whole finance thing. i have alot less in savings than i thought i did, like half what i thought.

i watched part of the olympics today. i dunno, i don't feel any buzz over them. i think i like the summer games better. i've been up for like 6 hours and i just yawned, how pathetic is that?

i went through my creditcard statment and i see my explosion in spending was due to january's attempts to be social, screw that. i'd rather be anti-social with a place to live than semi-social with no place to live. there were some other blips i don't normally do on the statement too, like the 200 i paid myself for my new tv, the new ram chips, multiple car washes due to those damn birds, but mostly..it was the coach's trips and the one night i went out with dave. none of that sounds all that big huh? well, it is. i spent like 8 times what i normally do.

i'm definitely done with the whole social thing, unless i stumble upon something that is free to do.

i'm all set to tell my boss i want outta stamford. i'm excited about that.

did i talk about dave? that fucking asshole. so he hurts his back last weekend helping his gf with a new entertianment center. i can really understand that, knowing with the backpain hell i went though a few months ago msyelf. he came in monday and hobbled around as only backpain people can do. he switched to the chair used when i hurt my back and talked about getting good pain pills. tuesday he calls in to say he wont be in due to his back...wedensday he calls in to say he wont be in...thursdy he wasn't in....friday he wasn't in.

fuck that. i sent jeff, our boss, a so far unanswered email if our office has a policy that if you miss three or more days due to injury/illness you need to bring something from the doc's office. see, dave's a slacker. sure he hurt is back moving that entertianment center. i don't doubt that at all. i don't doubt that tuesday he went to the doc and got pain pills. i do doubt he needed four fucking days off with the rest of his doing his job. this is the dave who took sick days the first month he was with us...who has been talked to two or three times that he cant miss the amount of work he does. he misses he likes to go drinking, that's fine. drink away, but drag your self abusing ass into work. he's missed more days than the rest of us combined.

four goddman days. nothing pisses me off more than not being able to do what i need to do for my own desk cause someone else just didn't feel like coming in. i really don't know what's happened to the good old american work ethic.

i'm done helping him. tom's the only one i like and he's already labeled next to go. he just doesn't get somethings. it's a case that he's a great guy, but just not cut out for what we do.

yep, i'm all set for tuesday and saying i want out of stamford. i'm going to have to pick pittsburgh, even though now that i think about it, i don't know if want to go there. i don't have an issue about the whole 'going home' thing. it's more that i don't talk to anyone from there anymore and don't like the idea of running into people and the whole ackward 'where have you been, how are you' shit. oh well, that too will pass if it comes to happen, no?

hrm, that became a bit of a rant eh?

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

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