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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

my job
January 21, 2002 - 5:54

so, here's where i start today.

my car was brutialized yesterday evening/last night. it was the victim of of vicious and overzealous flock (perhaps even two flocks) of bird who just shitbombed my hood/windshield. i thought about calling my car insurance and putting in a claim...it's freakin horrible.

dave called in sick today. that fucking guy. i'm done with slack for anyone in that office...well, just dave and jeff. i still like tom. so i get this call from one of dave's customers about a quote he needs back NOW. i look over dave's desk and in the system..and no sign of it. so i ask him to fax it. he get's all pissed and says he sent it up last wed and talked to dave about friday and monday and still hasn't gotten it back. i'm like sorry pal, i don't see it...send it up and i'll do what i can. it's all hard to find junk, which is why dave didn't do it in the first place. i didn't even bother with it. it's dave's customer and he doesn't care, then i won't either.

earlier i found out my company is trying to gip me outta some money i won in a contest. well, it's not really a contest. we had excess stock on items and as an incentive to the sales people to move the junk, they said any profit we sell these items at, we get. no commission or bonus deal all the profit is ours. it's a great little promo. the downside is it's excess stuff no one wants..or they wouldn't offer to move it like this. so anyway. i manged to move like 500 bucks worth of profit of this stuff...and today i get a check for 200. why the fuck do i have to police my own company? why do i have to send off emails listing invoices and amounts to my own people?

yes, i'm tight over this. heh, i used the word 'gip' and 'tight'.

my new biggest pet peeve is people who don't do shit they should do. people who just say, 'nah, not today.' that's fine and good if it really doesn't matter, but im sick of having to mop shit up and get things done that should already have been done just to smooth out my day. i'm not anal person who needs things just so. my whole goal is to get through a day of work with no 'bumps'. i need to be expressive of my anger. it seems to be way everyone else get's around.

then there's this huge return deal that's all fucked up. why is it fucked up? either the customer didnt send back all the material (of course they will say the did) or the freight company lost LOTS of material or my own warehouse fucked up recieving the stuff back in. no one is going to fuss up to it and so i'm going to be left holding the shitbag. sometimes in these situations they just decide to 'write off' the material as lost and issue credit to the customer (who is always right afterall). it's usually for small stuff and it doesn't really matter, but this is gettin up around 2 or 3 grand worth of material. i'm not writing that off, that write off junk comes out of my pocket.

i know boss jeff is going to bring it up to gauge my opinion (it's part of his job to explore the option) and i'm going to tell him flat out the second i know a penny of this deal hits me direct, i'm walkin.

when i go to work i just feel like no one gives a real shit. i feel like i'm the slavebitch to people who call in. i feel like no one gets the concept that it takes time for shit to happen...to get information. i dunno.

not to long ago i said i'd stop whining about my job here. that didn't last to long did it?

(this way) / (that way)

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