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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

programs and quotes
January 20, 2002 - 8:31 am

so here's two programs that i recomend.

the first is Opera, whether you like the music or not, the bowser Opera kicks ass. it puts intershit exwhorer and nutscrape to shame. the only time it seems to ever be 'slow' is on load up and i think that's my computer and not the program. i'm talking atleast 80% of the time the _instant_ i hit enter, i'm there. i blink and i'm on the new page. sure my internet explorer was fast..and sure i have a cable modem...but this is how i expected browsing to be on cable. it's easy to use, easy to figure to look like how i want. it has skins, granted not alot, and i really like my stick figure buttons. oh, Opera is free, but the free version does have an adware bar dealie that you can't 'hide' when your surfing. i will say that i liked Opera enough that i'm paying the 39 bucks and registering it.

the other is called Jet Audio. so far, it's been a kick ass mp3/cd/dvd player. well,i havn't tried dvds, but once i buy the right cord i will rent a dvd...hook, my pc up to me tv and watch! i used to use musicbox that came with my pc. musicbox was cool...but it really killed my pc. it hogged all sorts of resources. so i tried in win amp and just didn't like it. the only downside to jet audio is it is adware, but the ad doesn't have to stay on top...so right now it's under this Opera window. that rocks, i get a great program for free and i don't have to give up screen space to ads if i'm busying doing something else.

what's another bonus to both of these programs? they are not made by microcrap, er soft. microsoft.

did you read the story on drudge report, i read drudge constantly at work, that billie gates sent out a memo directing his legions of programs to focus on making microsoft programs more stable...more secure. think about it, how often do you hear of a new security hole in apple programs or in linux? you don't. it seems every month or two there's a new virus alert that exploits a new hole in something microsoft did. it's like getting software from sweatshop, they don't care about the quality..just flooding the market and strong arming companies into bundling what they offer with the pcs.

ya, ya, i'm still using windows. i point, i click. it's easy. it crashes now and then (though it seems to run alot better now that i've gotten rid of IE and musicbox, hows that for ironic?) every time i go to the bookstore i think about buying a book on linux. the only problem is i'd have to read the book and learn the system. well there's a second problem. if i switched to linux and it's half as good as windows...i'd lose something to bitch about and then what would i do!?

anyway, both of these programs are free at Zdnet.com. just go into downloads and search for 'Opera' and 'Jet Audio'. if you've never used ZDnet, it's a pretty cool site. it tells you a bit about the program, which users ratings and number of downloads. it has all sorts of things.

goddamn i'm up early huh? well, i'm gonna go clean off my care soonish and sit my ass down to watch the steelers game. i'm in a mood to be around people.

my new tv seems to enjoy making this ungodly high pitched noise. i called circuit city and since it's only been a week, they will just exchnage it for free. that rocks! the downside is the guy wanted me to carry it back in. fuck that, i'm not carrying dragging this damn thing around again. my back is finnally starting to feel healed all the time. so i agreed to pay like 40 bucks and they will deliver, next saturday (since i wasn't free during the week) and take the old one away.

in the mean time..i'm going to watch alot less tv. which is good.

i went food shopping yesterday. god it was insane. we were forecasted to get 2 to 4 inches of snow. people were freaked. the place was mobbed. i had to wait to get a shopping cart. i swear to god, supermarkets are the perfect metaphor for the breakdown of modern 'civilization'. the perfect place to go and observe failings of humans. if i was a shrink, i'd do a study on behavior in supermarkets and we 'devole' upon entering those doors. every place should have a sign above the doors that says 'abandon all hope all ye who enter here'.

though the main reason i go to the market i go it is that they have a sign that reads 'thank you for choosing stop and shop, we know you had a choice today.' yep, the chain is called stop and shop. did you ever notice food stores have really stupid names? 'stop and shop', 'giant eagle', 'piggy wiggly', 'big y', 'shop and save'...most food places are regionial so you probably havn't heard of these.

i figured out the secret to life last night. well, not the secret as to how life started all that. i'm still wondering about that. but i guess the meaning of life, the point of it.

i can't tell you what it is though. part of understanding it is going through the effort to dechiper it.

here's some quotes, for no reason but that i found a quotes page...

"Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence."

Henrik Tikkanen

The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

-- John Milton (1608-74), English poet. Satan, in Paradise Lost, bk. 1

"Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting."

John Russell

Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809�1894), U.S. writer, physician. The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, ch. 2 (1858).

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

Albert Einstein

You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.

-- Barbara DeAngelis

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars